Chapter 3

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I wake up to "Teenage Dirtbag" playing full blast off my phone. Stupid alarm, but I guess the song makes up for it. I get up and walk into my closet to grab the first things I see. A pair of black lulu lemon leggins, a loose white tank top and a tight leather jacket, topping it all off with a cute pair of ankle boots and a long heart and key pendant necklace. By the time I'm satisfied with my outfit I realize I only have about 20 minutes left to do my hair and makeup. I brush my hair so my soft blonde waves fall down my back and do a quick sweep of eyeliner and mascara and finally to finish a little bit of light pink lip gloss. I smile at myself and go to check my phone.

2 Missed Calls (Clay<3)

4 Text Messages (Clay<3)

Well I think someone wanted to get a hold of me. I decide to call back since I still have a few minutes to spare.

"Morning Q! Why were you not answering me? We haven't talked since last saturday... I miss you!"

"Woah, morning Clay. I wasn't answering because I just woke up and it takes time for a girl to look as good as me! And yea I know... I just... I don't really know... miss you too." I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to start to fall for him and loose my best friend so my only option was to avoid him.

"Well, you're gonna talk to me now 'cause I'm outside your house! So hurry your ass up Q." He hung up and I sighed. I didn't want to go with him but his bike is just one of my weaknesses for him. Slowly, I left the wrath of my room and joined him outside.

"Good to see you Q, now put this on! I bought it specially for you!" A grin took over his voice and I couldn't help but notice his eyes travelling down my body. I caught the helmet as he threw it at me and slipped it on my head.


The ride to school was only ten minutes and when we got there the roar of the motorcycle caused all heads to turn towards us. Both Clay and I knew what it was like to be starred at so we put on a show for everyone. Clay pulled his helmet off leaving his dark aviators framing his chisled face. He shook out his black hair, running his fingers through it to give it the perfect tousled look. Finishing off his show by fixing his white t-shirt and leather jacket and giving everyone a $100 smirk. I did almost the same show as he did but pretending to drop something in front of a group of the "popular" guys meaning I needed to bend down. I could feel their eyes trained on my backside until I turned around to face them, chewing on my bottom lip I flashed the same smirk Clay did. The group of guys all wolf whistled at me and the group of girls Clay was in front of all sighed. Well, I didn't think we put on the much of a show but I guess instincts took over. Clay looked over at me and nodded his head to the direction of out school, I forgot that I was supposed to show him to the office to get his new time table. I guess I forgot because of how much he already fits into this school, but I walked over to him laughing.


It turned out that Clay and I had two out of our four classes together. First period and last period. First period flew by surprisingly, becasue it was french but in a room with Clay I'm to busy laughing to even realize what's going on. After class I walked back to my locker and froze. Standing there bracing himself above some preppy blonde girl was Clay. The girl looked up at him with an innocenet twinkle in her eyes and he looked down at her with his eyes darkening with lust. I stepped forward and cleared my throat earning me a glower from the girl and a shocked expression from Clay. I kept my face emotionless as I walked to my locker. I heard the girl scurry away and footsteps come closer.


"What?" I snapped.

"I... uh... was just talking to her." He said.

I turned around to face him with an "I'm not stupid" look on my face. "Clayton, don't even lie to me. I'm not retarded. I just don't want you started to have the player reputation at this school already."

"Excuse me? I'm not a player! My last relationship was over two years long and just ended three months ago!" He yelled. I knew I hit a soft spot with his old relationship because it was a soft spot for me too, it's the reason why my family and I moved here to Exeter, but I didn't care.

"Yea, and how many times did you cheat on her?" I was threw beating around the bush. He looked at me with his mouth hanging open. "Yea, that's what I thought." I turned on my heels and walked towards my next class.

All class I couldn't help but think of what happened in the hall with Clay earlier. I couldn't let him get to me, I knew better than that. Josh walked into the classroom with his posse almost a full 30 minutes late and took up their seats all around me.

"Hey Majors!" I cooed, while giving my best smirk.

"Hey Jacobs!" I smiled at the use of my last name. I didn't let anyone call me Jacobs except for the six boys that go by 'The Majors". I don't know when it started but it stuck ever since.

M- Mason Trew; The Leader of the Pack.

A- Andrew Linard; The Jock.

J- Josh Franzie; The Social Butterfly.

O- Owen Linard; Andrew's little brother and The Brains.

R- Ryan Gram; The Joker.

S- Sean Brandie; The Stylish One.

"What are you boys doing tonight since tomorrow is a P.A. Day?" I asked.

"Not a thing, that I can think of! Why?" They all had a look of curiosity on their faces but they waited for Mason to finish talking.

"Well... my parents are out of town..."

"So it's settled, I'll get the word out that there's a party at Jacobs tonight!" Mason flashed me his sly smirk, both asking and telling by his statment.

"Already on it! This is going to be the biggest party yet." Josh said. And with that the bell rang, I walked out of the classroom with the boys all flanking behind me. I caught many envious glances from girls and a ton of wanting stares from guys. The Majors and I walked into the caffeteria laughing and went straight to our table. I caught Clay walk into the caff from the corner of my eye and instantly regretted telling him to sit with me for lunch this morning. He made his way to our table and slipped into a seat in the middle of The Majors. The whole caffeteria stared as if wondering why the new guy already had a spot with the "IT" table. I could hear the Majors talking to Clay and soon enough the group errupted with laughter. I looked away from the group of girls I was talking to, to the boys.

"We have a new member of The Majors! Everyone MUST call us "The C Majors" now." Mason announced to the whole student body. "Clayton Reeler everybody. The Bad Boy."

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