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I do not own any characters in the Hunger Games books. This is just a fanfic as I like the books

A/N This is my first fanfic on wattpad and it would mean a lot if you voted and commented

The light streams through the window and onto the floor making my dull room seem bright. You can see the dust swirling in the golden hue. In a way it's beautiful. I take in the moment. Then I sigh. I look over at my little brother. Oh Kris.... his messy brown hair lies over his face a small smile on his lips. He looks so peaceful. He is a few years younger than me at 14. I think about staying at home this morning but I know I can't, we need to eat food even if it is the reaping. I look in the mirror. I'm pretty enough, at 16, slight build, red hair with my bangs pinned back so my slight curls cascade down my shoulders. Personally I think my best feature is my sea-green eyes which shows I come from District 4. I glance over at Kris one last time and leave the house without a second glance.

I stand on top of the cliff just past my house and look down on at the sea, the wind blowing through my hair. I breathe deeply fully appreciating the smell of the ocean. You never know what's going to happen on reaping day although it's unlikely I'll go into the games. No trainer wanted to take me on. Parentless, struggling to survive. I wasn't the best choice, if I get reaped into the games it's been agreed that someone will take my place. I don't mind, not everyone wants to look death in the face.

I walk down the hill to start my early morning shift out on the boats. The hours are halved today. We still have to come to work, there is no such thing as a day off here. There are quotas to make. Normally there is a happy atmosphere. People laughing, joking, the banter between people changing over shifts. The port is the hub of district 4. Alive. But today... well... what do you expect. I give a weak smile up at my crew leader and go round to the rocks near the shore. We're on oyster duty today. I love diving. Under the water I just feel free. I slip into the warm water and dive.

In the water I felt finally free. It was my happy place. My happiness wouldn't last long though. I was filling my bag up with oysters meeting my daily quota. I slipped a few into my pockets when no one was looking. It was the only way to scrape by with no parents to provide for me and Kris. The money I got was never enough and Kris was too young to work and anyway I wouldn't let him. And I would not let him sign up for trease. I would not allow his name to go in the reaping ball more times than needed. The black market paid well if you were willing to take the risk. Not many people were, the rules are very strict here. I had to always be on the lookout.

Maybe it was because of the reaping but today I couldn't help but think of my parents. It was probably due to the tragedy that surrounded the event. My mother drowned which was odd for district four. One moment she was fine, the next... Apparently there was nothing anyone could do to save her. That was also very odd. My father didn't believe it for one second. He thought she was killed by the Capitol. It wouldn't surprise me either. She regularly spoke out against the Capitol. Saying what she thought was wrong with Panem. A drowning although unfortunate, wouldn't look suspicious. My father got shot. You have thought he would have learnt. I can't lose anyone else, I can't lose Kris. I know that sounds really selfish, but I need to protect him. I would feel so bad if anything happened to him. I've tried so hard to protect him from the evil in this world.

Before I know it the shift is over. I've been so consumed in my own thoughts I've totally forgotten the time. I get out of the water and dry off. "You ok?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and come face to face with Ash. He is tall, well taller than me, his light brown hair all messed up from drying it. He is my best friend.

"Not too bad." I say cautiously.

"You seemed distracted today." He says softly.

"That's because I was," I snapped, then sighed, "sorry."

"No it's ok, it's a hard day. Hell I'm bricking it really even if I act all calm," I laughed, "Come on I'll walk you to town."

Ash knew I sold things illegally on the black market. We had met there many of time and had soon formed a friendship. We walked into town then headed into the backstreets. The ground turned muddy and sludgy. A rat run across the street. It was darker hear with the buildings being so close together unlike the town square. We pushed through until we came upon the familiar stalls that lined the alley ways. I got out my oysters and started to trade. I got some meat from the butcher who wasn't afraid of the illegal market. I also managed to get some strawberries a rare treat. I sold the rest of my oysters to various people. When we got back to the main square I went to the sweet shop and got some mints. Something to cheer up Kris. It really was a treat.

As I turned to go Ash grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "It will all be fine, try not to worry." I smiled and walked away.


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