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"So we've already worked out that your good with spears, tridents and spokes." Finnick says to us after we've finished eating. I continue to sip my drink.

"Avoid using those things at all costs. You don't want the other tributes to know what your good at. The most important things is to try and learn a new skill; you have three days. Learn how to shoot and arrow, sword fight, wrestle." Finnick continues.

"Don't ignore the survival skills either. Learning to make a good fire, which plants are edible or not, snares and even camouflage could save your life in the arena. Weapons aren't everything." Mags says with a pointed look at Finnick.

"Now this is very important. The careers will probably want you in an alliance. Normally our tributes team up with 1 and 2. Not everyone does, I didn't. I was fine on my own. One thing I will warn you about is that if you say no, you will be a target for them. Especially if you get good training scores." Finnick says.

"I don't want allies," I say immediately, "I don't want to be constantly chasing after the weaker tributes. I don't want to get to know them. It will make everything a whole lot harder."

"I agree with Fliss, allies makes everything difficult." Ash says, "But I might make an alliance with one person." He continues.

"No!" I shout, "I don't want you to protect me." I say forcefully. "I don't want to see you die." I say softly under my breath.

Ash must have heard as he replies: "I'll be alright Fliss, don't worry about me." He gives my hand a squeeze under the table and I give a small smile.

"No alliances." Finnick confirms and I nod.

"You will both be fine." Valoria says confidently. She has been very quiet at breakfast. Just letting Finnick and Mags do their thing. She leads us to the elevator and rides down to training with us. We are one of the first tributes there; Valoria insisted on being super early. She fusses over us for a little bit then leaves us with the other tributes.

Training starts dead on the dot of 10 when a woman named Alta begins with an opening talk. I don't listen to her mind you. I can't help myself from looking round the other tributes. The girl from one who caught my eye from the reaping looks especially fierce up close. There's a small girl who I think is called Dorothea must only be about 12. There's a large boy who must be my age but looks about 18. I swallow and look down. After the talk we are allowed to go our separate ways. I go and follow Mags advice and I got to the fire station. I work constantly for about an hour until I can get myself a small fire going. The trainer, who I doubt gets anyone come to his station, looks very pleased.

I move on to the camouflage station where I'm joined by Ash. "Having fun." He asks as I try, and fail, camouflage my arm into a rock.

"Of course." I say without conviction.

"What are you meant to be?" He asks

"A rock." I laugh and he joins in. I try to ignore the looks we are getting from the other tributes.

"I see art wasn't your strong point."

"Turns out I can't disguise myself but I can do brilliant face paint." I chuckle.

"Give me your arm." Ash says. He takes my arm and starts to paint over what I've already done. While he paints I look up at him. The look of concentration on his face, his tongue stuck out, makes me smile. His friendly face I've come to know so well after years of friendship. He walks me over to the rock and places my arm on it.

"Now look." It camouflages perfectly.

"That's a major improvement. It's my turn now." I sit Ash down and get the pink paint. I slowly start to turn his face into a butterfly. When he sees his face in one of the mirrors he laughs.

"Don't I look gorgeous?" He asks.

By the time lunch has come round we've been to a few survival stations. After we plan to learn a new weapon skill. I have a go at learning archery and I'm not bad. I wouldn't be able to kill someone outright but I may be able to inflict a wound. Ash tries hand to hand combat and excels; must be those muscles. We both sweep the edible plants test due to the fact the arena is like district 4. We know our water plants. We take the lift back up to our floor laughing and joking. We walk into the dining area talking loudly and are met by a glare from Finnick.

"Did you get any training done at all?" He asks with a hard tone to his voice. I try to look serious but it is very hard when your face is painted like a bunny.

"Yes." Ash says trying to keep a straight face.

"Well it certainly looks like you have Mr Butterfly and Miss Bunny." I look across at Ash and burst out laughing and soon he joins in. Finnick soon sighs and chuckles.

"I started a fire, learned how to use a bow and arrow and I passed the edible plants test."

"I did well at hand to hand combat," Ash tells Finnick, "I also discovered that Fliss can't camouflage herself well."

"I can face paint though."

"I can see." Finnick says.

"It was actually really fun." I say. Finnick glances at us both and shakes his head.

"Come on, let's eat." Finnick says, no longer annoyed.

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now