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"Please welcome your winner Fliss Barker!"

The roar from the crowds is deafening. For a moment I am blinded by the lights but soon the Capitol comes into focus. I see Ceaser Flickerman waiting for me by some chairs and I walk down the platform to meet him.

I sit down and Ceaser gives me a warm smile. It takes a while for the crowd to die down but when they do Ceaser jumps to question me.

"Welcome back Fliss."

"Hello" I respond politely

"How does it feel to be back here in the Capitol?" He asks.

"It is very strange I have to admit, but I am glad to be back. I would like to thank anyone who sponsored me in the games. I am very grateful and I fear I wouldn't be sat here without you all."

This sets the crowd off again and I'm relieved I don't have to talk. I don't want to. I hate how I have to sit here and be polite and formal after all I have been through.

"I have so many questions to ask you Fliss but those will have to wait for tomorrow."

A big disappointed arr comes from the crowd. They soon settle down when the recap of the games comes up on the big screens behind me. I get my own personal screen but I don't want to watch. How they can get a whole two week worth of action into two hours amazes me.

It starts off with the tribute parade and the interviews. I look at all the people in the film and feel sick. All of these people are dead.

By the time I've seen all of their deaths I really think I am about to hurl on stage. Why on earth did I survive? To be honest with you I think the people who have died in the arena have had a lucky escape. They no longer have to live with the trinary that is the Capitol.

Before I know it they are announcing the arrival of President Snow. I stand and the crown is placed on my head.

"Well done."

Although he congratulated me his voice is hard and his snake eyes glare into mine. I brush it off as he turns away from me, sticking on a smile for the crowds.

It's only when I'm backstage that I realise quite how angry the president is.

Two men in black walk towards me.

"Miss Barker, the president would like you to come with us." 

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now