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I poke Ash with my foot to wake him up. I start packing up my stuff and we snack on a light breakfast of fish. "I am not sitting here, waiting for something to happen." He looks at my face and agrees. I think he realises not to argue with me on this one. I'm sure he want to lay low until everyone is dead. Let's face it. No one could find us.

We climb out of the cave. My body starts at the temperature. To say it is hot is an understatement. The water in comparison is icy cold. We start to swim in a bid to get warm. It's not long before we get out to warm up in the mid-day sun.

"What are we going to do?" I sigh.

"Hey, it will be alright." Ash says softly.

"What happens if we encounter a tribute? I know there's two of us but what about Crystal?"

"We could take her. We could take anyone."

"Without getting killed?" I attempt a chuckle.

"I do have an idea that might avoid conflict."


"We are surrounded by poisons. Why don't we use them?"

Why haven't we used them? My brain starts turning.

"I don't think it could work. How will we kill them without killing ourselves first?"

"If we could coat our weapons in it, when it hit their skin they would die eventually even if we didn't kill them outright."

"That is quite a good idea."

"Who's the clever one now?" I roll my eyes.

Using some material ripped from out jackets we gingerly pluck the poisons from the sea floor. Then on the surface it is ground into this sickly pink looking paste. Using some plastic, which I've fixed into some sort of bag, we store the mixture for use.

The poison gets its first taste of action later that afternoon. I wouldn't say it's a fair fight. Alodia doesn't stand a chance. Concealed in some grass we spy her trying to make a fire. Ash passes me a knife and I dip it into the concoction. I stand up to get better aim, revealing myself. Before she has time to act the knife plunges into her stomach.

She staggers backwards and looks at the blood dripping from her body. She tries to strike back but I dive into the water. She is alive but she is as good as dead. It depends whether it's her wound or the poison that kills her.

The same guilt I felt when I killed Hale chews me up. But it won't spit me out. I push it to the back of my mind and lock it there. We swim for a while then find a place to set up camp.

We sit against a rock in the sleeping bag. I rest my head on Ash's shoulder and his arm snakes round me. When Alodia appears in the sky I burry my head into Ash. I feel his arm tighten around me.

I can't wait to be rid of this nightmare; one way or another.

The next day is uneventful for us. I say uneventful but we get plagued by the rain and struggle to keep warm in an alcove in a rock. We spend the day talking.

"What food would you love to eat right now?" Ash asks.

"Marshmallows, the ones we had on the train were amazing."


"That spicy chicken."

We spend a while talking about food; what can I say, seafood gets boring.

"What are you going to do when you get home?" He asks me suddenly serious.

"If I get home."

"If you get home." He corrects himself.

"I would move into a big house and eat a lot of food." I smile. "Then I would cry."


"I would be devastated that I would have to exist without you. I would never forget you." I look up at him and give a weak smile. He looks down at me with a gaze that makes me crumble.

He tucks a piece of my hair that has fallen out of my braid behind my ear. He keeps his hand on my face. Warmth radiates from the spot. I get lost into his eyes. I would give anything to freeze this moment and live in it forever. He starts to lean towards me never breaking my gaze. I turn my head slightly going in to meet him.



And we are interrupted by a parachute that falls in between us. Ash pulls away and the moment is gone. He fiddles with the strings and pulls out spicy chicken and marshmallows. I'm not complaining; it tastes amazing. But really? Great timing Finnick.

Maybe it wasn't going to happen. Maybe it was just my imagination. We gorge ourselves on food that isn't fish. I can honestly say it is the best meal I've ever had. Even though it's been raining and we've been stuck on this rock all day, it's been one of the best days I've ever had. I feel like I've escaped the horror of the arena for just one day. 

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