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A/N Please remember to vote and comment- any feedback would be greatly received


"Guys I was wondering if you wanted to go over anything about the arena.... Oh sorry." Ash pulled away. It was over already.

"No it's fine."

"Might as well get some tips." I say.

"Come on let's sit." He led us to a red sofa, which was honestly the most comfy thing I've ever sat in. I sat by the arm of the chair and tucked my legs underneath me. Ash sat down beside me.

"Now as you know, they have been doing the games differently these past few years. They have been basing the aspects of the arena on each district. Now this year is your lucky year. The arena is going to be based on District 4. Now I believe this will help both of you as I doubt you've had training."

"No I didn't have the time. I doubt anyone would want to take me on anyway."

"I've had bit and pieces but my family were very against the idea. They didn't appreciate it when I volunteered. They didn't even come to say goodbye."

"Oh Ash you should have told me. You shouldn't have volunteered." I said with concern.

"It's fine. Just don't give me that look, I expected better from you Fliss."

"Sorry." I said ashamed, he has never given me that 'kicked puppy' look before.

"That's ok" he gave me a pained smile.

"So got any talents I should know about?"

"Not really." Ash stated.

"That's not true. You are brilliant with spears and tridents."

"Not as good as me I hope," Finnick said, "I AM THE TRIDENT KING!" he shouted jumping up onto the sofa. Ash and I shared a look and I burst out laughing. A capitol attendant asked him to get down.

"Ah look at you all red." I said with mock concern.

"He looks like a tomato." Ash laughed.

"You guys are so mean to me." He said pretending to cry but he couldn't keep a smile of his face. I could tell we were going to be friends.

"Fliss is really good with spokes." Ash said suddenly "you know the rings with the spikes on."

"I'm not brilliant."

"Don't be stupid. You can hit targets from meters away." I blushed, I didn't like showing off.

"This is really good. You did say you hadn't been trained?"

"Not officially, I... um... practiced just in case." I said quietly.

"I suppose you could call it that." Ash said. I glared at him, I didn't need everyone to know I sold things on the black market.

"Any tips for the arena?" I asked.

"If you can get weapons good but by no account get involved in the bloodbath. Clear out as soon as you can. Find water and stay alive, I want one of you to make it home."

"I bet he says that to everyone." I said under my breath to Ash.

"No I don't. I'm saying it as I mean it. I genuinely like you." Finnick said. "Now get some sleep."

Tomorrow morning we are going to watch the recap of the reaping but I couldn't face it tonight. The bed was big and luxurious and I fell asleep straight away.

The light streams through the window and onto the floor making the dull cave seem bright. You can see the dust swirling in the golden hue. It in a way looked beautiful. I looked over at Kris but he wasn't there. I stood up and looked around searching for my brother. I heard a noise behind me and snapped around. Kris was being held by who must be a tribute. I watched him go limp as his throat was slashed. 

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