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(Spy AU or something)

Arthur scoffed and rolled his eyes as he walked alongside Francis. "I highly doubt that my partner will be as good looking as you say because you say everyone is good looking. Besides, what even makes you think I'm into men?"

The Frenchman grinned, hands folded behind his back. "Your feminine figure, your, as my dear Japanese friend would say, tsundre personality, and how you're checking out that man over there."

"Wha-!?" Arthur jumped and tore his gaze away from the man standing by a recently landed aircraft and gulped. "I was not 'checking out' anyone!"

Francis laughed, patting Arthur's shoulder. "Sure, mon ami. Anyways, that man that you 'weren't' checking out is your new partner. He's high ranking and is incredibly skilled. He certainly has leadership quality and is very smart and focused while on a mission."

Arthur blinked, following Francis closer to the man. "And when not on a mission?"

"Well..." Francis muttered, rubbing the back of his head.


Both Francis and Arthur looked up, then Francis was tackled. "Mon dieu, mon ami!" Francis laughed. "You are crushing me!"

"Sorry!" The man pulled away and patted Francis' shoulder ad he grinned. He then looked over to a very flustered Arthur and held out his hand. "Hey! You must be my new partner! Name's Alfred F. Jones!"

Arthur gulped and shook his hand. The Brit smiled weakly. "Arthur Kirkland."

Alfred laughed, retracting his hand. "British! Cool! Did you come from the London branch?" Arthur nodded. "Cool. Haven't been there since I first started training. When did you start training?"

"W-well," I have no idea because you're talking so fast it's making my head spin, "six years ago, I think... Yes, six years ago, because I started when I was eighteen."

Alfred snorted. "Whoa. You're old." Arthur gasped and reeled back at the statement.

"Pardon me! Well, how long have you been training!? How old are you!?"

Francis chuckled, taking a step back so he wouldn't get caught in a fight.

Alfred grinned. "I started eight years ago!" Arthur smirked in triumph, then it fell when the taller male continued, "I started when I was eleven!"

Arthur's jaw dropped and eyes widened. "No way! How!? You couldn't have possibly started at eleven! The agency only allows eighteen and older!"

Francis stepped up and placed a hand on both their shoulders. "Actually, dear Arthur, Alfred and his darling younger brother started much earlier because his father is the head of the entire agency."

Alfred patted Arthur's head. "It's okay, short stop! But not only am I younger than you by five years, I'm also way more experienced and higher ranking! Now you're my partner!"

Arthur groaned. "Wonderful."


Arthur hummed softly, leaning on Alfred's shoulder. "I don't like this. I want to be in there, blowing things up or stealing top secret files."

Alfred chuckled, staring through the binoculars he had. "This is the most boring part of the job, but dad wants us to do easy jobs to get to know each other and stuff before doing big jobs together."

"We've been doing easy jobs for two months together. I think we can move up now," Arthur muttered, closing his eyes. "Sitting around like this makes me incredibly tired."

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