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"Hey, bitch."

"Welcome back, jerk." Matthew sighed, carding his fingers through his lengthy hair. Alfred tossed his ragged bag on the table. Matthew groaned as the papers he just sifted through flew off the table and mixed through the papers he has yet to go through. "Really? Was that necessary?"

Alfred shrugged and plopped down in the chair across from his brother. "Not really." Alfred opened his bag of fast food. "I'm just dead tired from completing a job all on my lonesome."
Matthew rolled his eyes, shutting his laptop. "Who's fault is that? You didn't tell anyone you were going. Not even Arthur, and you tell him everything."

The elder brother hummed and bit into his burger. "He wadn't here when I decided I wanted to go on a job. Neither were you." Alfred popped open his beer bottle. "So I just went."

"Of course." Matthew shook his head.

Alfred kicked his feet up onto the table. "So, whatcha looking for?"

Matthew separated the papers and hummed. "Just looking through symbols and weapons."

"We already know that."

"It's always good to keep it refreshed, Alfred. You should try it instead of eating burgers and chugging beer."

"Hey, okay, that whole time I was out, I didn't have a single bottle, okay? I only had diet coke." Alfred pointed out, raising his beer bottle.

"As if that's any better for you."

The brothers both turned their heads. Matthew smiled as Alfred groaned. "Hey, Arthur." Matthew stood up. "Hungry?"

Arthur furrowed his brows. "As you know, I am never hungry. I'm an angel, I have no need-"

"Yeah, yeah." Alfred muttered waving his hand. He got to his feet and stretched his arms. "We know, you don't need food."

Matthew sighed. "Okay, clearly you have something stuck up your ass, Al. What is it?"

Alfred stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked out. "Nothin'."


Arthur stood behind Alfred. This man always drew his curiosity and never ceased to surprise him. He stepped closer. "Alfred?"

Alfred leaned back and tilted his head back to look up at the angel. "Hey, Atie."

The angel furrowed his brows at the nickname, then shook his head. "Alfred, your brother and I are worried."

Alfred chuckled and stood up. "I didn't realize you knew feelings. Alright, what are you worried about?"

Arthur sighed and decided he should ignore that first part. "You've been acting strangely as of late. You go off on your own, you ignore Matthew and I... You seem to not care anymore. What happened to the Alfred Jones I pulled out of hell?"

Alfred sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I just... I... You wouldn't understand. Matthew would, but you wouldn't. Well, I think Matthew would understand. I'm not completely sure, but I know he'd understand more than you would."

The angel stepped closer, and placed his hand on Alfred's bicep. "Tell me... Please..."

Alfred sighed again and carded his fingers through his hair. "I... I kinda... I love you."

Arthur's eyes widened. "You... You love me?"

Alfred huffed and shrugged,  eyes downcast. "Yeah. Dumb, huh?"

The angel stepped in front of Alfred and raised his head. "No." Arthur muttered, standing on his toes as he pulled Alfred down.

Their lips met softly, hesitantly. Alfred was hesitant to respond, but pulled Arthur closer by his waist. Arthur pulled back and gulped. "Was that... was that okay?"

Alfred chuckled and nodded. "That was okay."

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