Chapter 1

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Cassandre POV 

I am looking at the landscape pasing by the passenger window. My eyes closing slowly. I glance one last time at Derek. 

My name is Cassandre Boron. I'm 20 years old and I have just finished college in France. I landed 2 hours ago on the American soil and the jetlag is crushing me. I fight the tiredness that is consuming me. I glance one last time on Derek to focus on his traits. He is my half-brother. We share the same dad. That is the only thing we have in common with our green eyes. He is a tall, brownhaired, slim and muscular. All traits he got from our dad. 

I ,on the other hand, am a small, red haired, green eyes girl. I am not slim neither am I fat. I am well built thanks to my mom's side. I am the result of a fling between my mom and our dad. But this never stopped Derek from acting like a brother to me. He doesn't care about how I find my place in this world. He is just to freaking happy about having a little sister to protect. I haven't seen him in 5 years because his dad and my fought really badly. She took me and left the country taking me on my native lands : France. 

Derek spots me looking at him and smile while asking me : "What are you looking at ? "

" Just you. You haven't changed a bit" I chuckle

"Well, neither did you Cassie ! I'm glad to see you still have your red hair. That's how I spotted you in the airport !" he replies with a laugh.

"You know I would never change it. It's my dearest pride to stand out in a way nobody else cans !" I say brushing my hair with my fingers.

"Yeah. Well I am glad you're here ! I miss you a lot. When do you start working ?" he asks

"In two days. Just enough to sleep away the jet lag !" I reply

"Good. I'llnlet you sleep while I go out to work, ok ?" he finally says pulling in a huge parking lot. 

"Sounds good. But one day you will have to tell me what you do for a living !" I say with reprochful eyes.

"I'll think about that" he replies while turning the power off. 

He gets out of the car and goes to the trunk to get my baggage. I open my car door and start to look at the other cars. I am surrounded by rich kids car !! Lamborghini, Porsche, Audi and Range Rover surrounds me. I turn to Derek who's already at the elevator waiting for me. I run to him glaring one last time at the cars. He presses the last button and I arrive in a huge appartement bigger and more beautiful than I have ever seen before. I glare at him and ask : 

"How much money do you make with your mysterious job ??" 

He smiles at me and probably at my lack of knowledge too. He puts my luggage down and leads to the end of a corridor. He opens a door and an immense room appears in front of me. It is so huge, I don't know what to compare it too. I look at him with my mouth open. He laughs a bit and answers to my previous question : 

" Let's just say that dad left me more than I knew of in his will."

My mouth closes and tears prickle my eyes. My dad died a few years ago from a heart attack. He left me money too but I can't access it until my 21th birthday. Not that I would waste it or anything but it's a family tradition I think. Derek being 24 years old can easily use his. 

" Get to sleep. You need it. I'll see you later." he says then kisses me on the forehead and leaves me to my new place. 

I close the door thanking him from a far and jump on the bed. I quickly fall asleep. 


I wake up and wander around the house. I enter the kitchen and pour myself some juice. I finally got settled on this time line and I am no longer jetlagged. I look around trying to find Derek but he is nowhere to be found ant it's almost noon. I barely saw him this week between my work schedule and his. He's gone before I wake up and not back when I return. It's like he doesn't live here but I know he drops by since I found little notes from him on the kitchen counter every now and then. I really wonder what his job is.  

I finish my glass and put it in the dishwasher before going off to my room getting ready for work. I am a waitress in a small restaurant in the city. I love this job. The team id pretty nice and I am finally fitting in. I'm going out with them on friday in one of the best clubs in the city. One of the girls knows the guy so my age shouldn't be a problem. I take out my white shirt, put on my jeans and converse. T put my wallet and keys in my bag before heading out with my headphones on. I put my suit jacket on so the chilly fresh air doesn't get me chilly and start walking to my work place. 

As soon as I enter, I greet my boss and kiss Alex and Cara who are my new co-workers and friend. I put on my apron and start working with a huge smile on my face. 

Jake POV

I m sitting at my desk n my office. It's been a rough few days. Lots of people to scare, money to collect and problems to solve. My guys haven't stopped. I deide to take them on a break. I get out of my office and walk down the stairs of my house to enter the living room. My frinends and gang members are yelling while playing video games. I whistle a bit and they all stare at me. 

There three of them. Alone at the end of the couch is Nate; a tall blond guy with tattoos all over his arms and blue eyes. He is not as friendly as his sweet face leads to think but he is the most loyal guy I ever had. His like my brother since we've known each other since we were 5. He helped me through my little entreprise and I owe him much more than he knows. He's reading a book. Next to him, holding the remotes are Chris and Tyler. Chris is a tall guy with boack hair and Tyler is a brown hair with brown eyes dude.

They are my members and advisers. I know they would die or kill for me and I would do the same. 

" Let's go out for dinner" I state

They all look at me with happy faces and start yelling "Yeah", "Sure", "You're the best". They all get up and we start walking to the door. We come across Derek who is getting ready to head out too. We ask him if he wants to come with us but he declines saying he is expected and with all give him suspicious looks. He gets in his car and we climb in the SUV. Nate is at the wheel and I'm on the passenger seat. As soon as the car go on. Chris and Tyler start discussing Derek's whereabouts. "I'm sure he's got a new girl !" "Nah. I think he is trying to find his dad killer". I smile slitely at their conversation. But I start drifting to conclusions myself. I am wodering what he's doing. It's been going on all week. 

I took him in my gang when we started getting popular. It was about three years ago. He became one of us and is now one of my best man known for his fearless mind and his killing abilities. 

Nte drags me out from my reverie and asks me where to go. I give him the nme of a small restaurant around town that I spotted durig my last killing a few days ago. During the ride, I look out to the city that I own. People look at me but when my eyes meet theirs, they bow their head down. I am the most powerful and feared man in the city. Everyone knows me and knows that it is better not to disrespect me if they care about their lives.

We enter the restaurant and it falls silent which makes me smile. I walk in as if I own the place and sit down in a corner booth at the end of the restaurant. I look at everybody in the place and they return to their conversations when they see my dark look. My guys sit around me and we wait for the waitress. I can her them arguing about who's going to come to serve us which also makes me smile but angers me too. If they don't come soon, I'll drag them here myself. I look around once again but my eyes stop on a girl with red hair who's talking to a customer. She has beautiful smile and I can't get my eyes of her. I see her look to her co-workers and then at us. She walks to us with sparkling green eyes and says with a joyful tone. 

" Hi. What would you like to eat ?" 

She's not scared of us. How come she's not scared of me ?  

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