Chapter 35

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Cassandre's POV

It's been a while now since I announced I would make cookies. I was actually starting the cooking part. Posted against the bar, my head on my hand, I watched as the seconds ticked by on the timer I had set up. 

The cookies aroma was slowly filling the kitchen and would soon travel to the rest of the house, announcing to the boys that it would be ready soon. My face was blank of emotion as I was deep in my thoughts. 

I couldn't stop thinking about Nate's story and everything he had been going through. A few month ago I was almost kidnapped, what would have happened to me if I had been ? 

I wasn't mentally nor physically strong enough to endure all of those terrible things. I love Jake and being here with all of the guys but I never really thought was risks all of this implied. When I arrived in America, I was just a girl with no problems and no traumas except the usual mommy issues. I mean who doesn't have those ? 

But the ones I was dealing with right now were a total different story... I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even here the timer go off and it was only when Jake came before me waving his hand that I returned to reality. 

"Hey baby, this has been ringing for almost a minute. Are you okay ?" He asked with concern in his voice and his hand stroking my cheek lightly. 

I just nodded quickly and brushed his hand away as I made my way to the oven. 

"If I believed you, I would be the worst boyfriend ever. What's wrong ?" he continued with now his arms crossed across his chest. 

I took out the cookies from the oven silently, put the tray on the bar and helped myself to a spatula so I could put them all on a plate.I just shrugged to Jake adding a 'nothing' si he could get off my back. I don't really want to hear him telling everything will be okay right now or that he would protect me and all. 

I felt him starring at me not convinced at all and trying to understand what was happening to me. 

"You know that I might be a gangleader but not a mindreader. If you don't tell me what is wrong I can't help you fix it." he says getting irritated. 

"Jake, really I am fine. Can't you just drop it ?" 

My voice wasn't even agressive or annoyed, I guess it was just defeated. I took the plate of cookies and started to move towards the door but Jake got himself in between me and the exit. 

"What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I dropped it ?" he asked lowly not breaking eye contact. 

I exhaled loudly showing him i was getting irritated with him. I mean can't a guy take a hint ?!

"You would be the kind of boyfriend that would sleep alone tonight because he pissed off his girlfriend ! Now please let me through." I said in a stern voice making him move because of the shock. 

I was almost out when he decided to speak again and halt me at the same moment. 

"It's Nate's story, isn't it ? That is what bothering you ?" 

His voice was just above a whisper but by some miracle I heard him. I flinched when he said it. Even just thinking about it made my skin crawl... I didn't hear move towards me and jumped when his arms went to encircle my waist. He kiss me lightly on the neck. 

"It's going to be ok baby." he whispered after deposing yet another kiss. 

"How can you know that ?" I answered, my voice breaking at my anxiety. 

"Because I won't let anything happen to you, Derek won't let anything happen to you and any of my men would let anything happen to you. You know that right ? "

In the middle of his sentence, he had turned me around and we were now only separated by the plate of cookies. He leaned his forehead on mine. 

"How can you be so sure ? A few month ago, I almost got kidnapped and now I am learning how to use a gun ! Me ,who is against gun violence and guns in the United States, I am learning how to shoot people ! It's just insane." 

"You are the one who wanted to learn how to defend yourself. I was against the idea." he said with his 'I knew better' tone. 

I raised my head and glared at him. I wouldn't have had to learn to defend myself if I wasn't in danger because of him. 

"That is rich coming from you ! The only reason why I need the self defense classes is because I am in constant danger for dating you !" I said enraged and pointing a finger at his chest. 

"Yeah maybe but isn't it worth the risk ?" he asked with a cocky smirk at the end.

I just rolled my eyes and started to get out of the room. 

"You are impossible." 

his arms snaked around me preventing me from leaving - once again - as he asked me with his unsure tone that brought a smirk to my face : 

" But you love me right ?" 

I exhaled loudly before responding him leaving a small pause to make him shit his pants a little because let's be honest here, he deserved it ! 

"Unfortunetly I do ..." 

He started trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbone almost getting a moan out of me when we heard Tyler call us with an edge to his tone. 

" Hum guys, not that I went the cookies or anything but you should come and see this." 

We let out a small laugh and headed to the TV room where all the guys were on the couch just chilling. I put the plate on the coffee table and watched as Tyler got at least ten sending me a smile before averting his gaze to the TV. That got me to do the same. 

It was a news alert and the hosting lady was clearing explaining what was happening. 

"It is the latest break of information. A blast as been reported at the maximum security prison resulting in two dead guards and a few wounded. The casualties do not stop there because the head of the prison has also reported that a prisoner have escaped. Our reporter on the scene Bradley Johnson for more information. 

"Yes Rebecca, the place here is now chaotic with the alarms ringing and the guards swooping the place to find the missing prisoner. The mayor of the city has already been informed and the citizen are already taking measures to stay put of the streets tonight and until further notice. 

"Bradley, do you have any information on the escape's identity ? 

" Yes, indeed I do. The head of the prison has just released the name and it is non other than Kane Moor. Infamous and only, whose trial lasted 4 years before he was convicted to a life penalty -"

The reporter kept on talking but I was no longer paying attention. I was too busy trying to remember where I had heard this name from. After a few minutes of self questioning, I turn around to the guys to ask them the question but stopped when I saw their faces. They were all livid and even more scared. 

Whoever this guy is seems to be bad news. Honestly, can't we get a break ? 

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