Chapter 17

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Cassandre POV

How did I get dragged into this thing ? A cocktail, seriously ... I hated fancy dressed parties. They were always crowded with rich people who thought they were better than others because of their bank accounts. They were just blinded by it ...

But I had to go. Jake didn't really leave me a choice. But after meeting his mother, I didn't wanted to see her ever again. She was just a posh old lady who always had everything she wanted. Jake explained to me how she came from an important english family and how she married his dad. It's honestly a sad story where the word 'love' is not written ... I only met the woman once and I already want to punch her so I kind of feel bad for Jake's childhood. Maybe that's a reason for becoming a gangleader ? I'll have to ask him how he got caught up in this life one day ...

" What about this one ?" Cara asked me pulling me out of my thoughts. She held a black dress with laced sleeves. I observed it for a while before nodding and she went back to the racks searching for my size.

Cara and I were currently trying to find me a dress that would fit Jake's mother expectations and my budget. Not an easy task. I asked Cara to help me because we grew quite closer these past few weeks since we shared the same schedule all the time.

Jake had appointed a stylist to help me and his credit card to pay. But the stylist just tried to get me pink puffy dresses that would make me look like a marshmallow so we dismissed her. And as for the credit card, I refuse to use it. It just doesn't feel right. The party was tomorrow just after my work day. I would have the time for a shower and a dress up session before the car comes to pick us up.

I took one final dress and went to the fitting rooms. Cara and I laughed a lot at a few dresses that I tried on. Some of them were really horrible ! But after 20 try ons and 3 hours of shopping, I finally had my outfit. Once home, I realised the guys were not there so I went up and after a small shower I went to sleep.

Getting up the next day was agony, my feet ache and I was exhausted because off our previous mall session. Arriving to work, I realised Cara was in the same state as me.

" So what did they think of the dress ?" she asked me while polishing the knives.

" They haven't seen it yet. They weren't home yesterday .... I so don't want to go there tonight !"

" Well I am holding a party if you want to join afterwards or during. If you are too bored. I'll make you forget with a couple of shots !! " she told me giggling which made me laugh too.

We want back to work and the day passed extremely fast. And before I knew it, I was in the car on my way home. I kept glancing at my watch. I am never going to be on time. When the car came to a stop, I said a quick 'thank you' to the driver and ran into the house. I passed the guys who were almost ready and dismissed them with my hand yelling at them that I had to get ready and running up the stairs.

I undressed as fast as I could and hopped in the shower. After it I put on my white laced bra and panties bedore brushing my hair and curling it lightly. I applied my makeup before going back to my romm to put on my dress.

It was really simply but elegant at the same time. It was embracing my curves and my tummy who was far from flat but with this dress, you could believe it was. Then I put on my heels and take a look in the mirror. The dress was a really light color which contrasted with my red hair. The heels were high which made my figure look skinnier. I grabbed a pocket back to put my phone, wallet and cigarettes and started walking down the stairs.

 I grabbed a pocket back to put my phone, wallet and cigarettes and started walking down the stairs

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I was struggeling walking down with thes heels so I kept my head focused on the stairs. Once I reached the last step, a victory smile made its way on my face. I looked up only to be met with four pair of eyes and four shocked faces. I saw that Tyler had a small smile, as did Derek. Jake on the other hand had an open mouth.

" What ?" I started asking " The dress is not good enough, is it ? I knew I should have taken the red one with lace on top. Fuck " I muttered exasperated by my negligence.

" No no ... The dress is amazone and you look really beautiful Cassie." Jake said taking a step towards me and making me blush. No one has ever told me that, well my mum but she doesn't count. I look at the guys and see them nod in agreement.

The door opens and the driver comes into view. The guys start moving outside and I follow but before I can take more steps, someone tugs on my arm. I turn around and realise that Jake is looking at me intently. And he seems ... nervous ?

" I just think that you need something more with the dress " he says and I look at him with a confused look. He brings a box before him and opens it. I discover a wonferful silver necklace with an emerald stone as a pendant. My mouth forms a 'o' and I cover it by bringing a hand to it. I look at Jake who is motionning for me to turn around so he can put it on me.

" Jake, it's wonderful but I can't accept it ... It too pretty and too precious -"

" Then it is perfect for you. " he cuts me off with a smile. He then turns me around and put it around my bare neck. It falls perfectly around it. I touch the stone and turns back around to face Jake. " Plus, it brings out your beautiful eyes." he adds with another small smile.

" Thanks really. But I only accept it for the party. After that I'll give it back to you. " I tell him while poking a finger at his chest gently.

" We'll discuss this later, okay ?" he says extending his arm for me to take " Now, shall we ?"

I took his arm and we walk to the car who was more of a limo ! I sat next to Derek and Jake sat next to me. During the way, I rested my head on Derek's shoulder while fidgeting with me fingers. I was so nervous. Jake's mom was something so what about his family ...

The car finally came to a stop and Jake helped me out. I thanked him and raised my head to look at his parents house. Wait scratch that, at his parent's mansion. It wás bigger than Jake's ! Now I am even more nervous ...

We walked towards the entrance : Jake leading the way followed by me, Derek and Tyler then Nate and Chris. We passed the door and walked the entry leading to the ballroom certainly. They were two guys at the door who started announcing us. Does that not happen in balls usually ?

Derek took my hand and walked so that we stood next to Jake. Imagine my surprise when I realised that Jake's supposed family was actually composed by girls. Blonde, brunettes, tall, tanned and extremely skinny that just glared at me and looked at the boys with lusting eyes. I spotted his mom who looked at me with mischevious eyes. I looked up and read the banner. My mouth gaped open and I tried to turn around but Jake and Derek held me still.

Apparently, tonight is the night the big gangleader finds his princess and I was not the fitting type. His mom was right ... I am not fitting in this.

Now, where is the bar ??

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