Chapter 32

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Cassie POV

Bang Bang Bang.

I flinched every time the bullet hit the taget and watched as Jake's muscles worked when he pulled the trigger. I sighed as the current situation...

A few days ago, I was still lounging next to a nice pool with an extremely romantic boyfriend who didn't let his mafia boss role come in between us. That trip cannot even be described as 'Amazing' because it was far more better than that. But unfortunetly, we had to come back to reality ...
And right now reality was the fighting classes I asked Jake to teach me. And today's lesson was : How to kill with a firearm. Great Idea right ? Not.

When I entered the gym and realised that I would have to hold a firearm, I kinda flipped. I explained to Jake that I was against the use of firearms but he didn't leave me a choice so now I had to 'watch and learn'.

« Now it's your turn » Jake's voice tore me out of my reverie and I sighed. I took a few steps towards him while he presented me the terrible weapon. I fiddled with my sweater not really ready to take it. Now it was he's turn to sigh but his sigh was one of annoyement.

« It's not going to bite you Cassie. Just take it firmly in your hand just like you did last night with my d- » he started teasing me but I dived on him and put my hand on his mouth to stop him from talking.

« Don't » I warned him. I felt his lips tug in a smile behind my hand and I narrowed my eyes at him silently telling him to drop it. He nodded quietly.
I removed my hand and took the gun carefully from him. I eyed the killing machine that rested in my hand.

«  Let me show you how to use it. » He started before positionning himself behind me and lifting my arms to point at the target « You put your arm up like this and you steady it with your other hand. One foot in front of the other. Finger on the trigger and you aim. »

I followed every instruction and tried to focus on the target in front of me without seeing it as a person...

« And then you shoot » he whispered next to my ear.

But while I was trying to focus, I totally forgot that he was still behind me. I jumped six feet into the air and released the shot. I screamed when the bullet broke into the wall with a horrible sound and put my hands on my ears.

Jake bursts out laughing at my demeanour of course. I scowled at his reaction and slapped his arm lightly.

« Stop laughing at me. You scared the hell out of me !!! You know it is hard so please don't make it more difficult. » I told him with a small voice at the end.

« Sorry babe, but you were just too cute ! Now let's try this again shall we ? »

I nodded weakly and took back my stance. I took a deap breath but a shiver took over me when I felt his presence behind me. I let out a low growl and let out the next words with a threatening tone :

« If you don't want me to shoot you, you will take a few steps back. »

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him walking back with his hands up as if he surrendered and a smile of amusement. I turn my full attention on the target and took a deep breath before closing my eyes and pulling the trigger. The loud bang resonated inside the gym and silence followed it. I haven't opened my eyes yet too scared of seeing what I touched but Jake's chuckles made me snap them open.
I looked over at the target with apprehension when I realised I just  scraped the mannequin. I turned to Jake in embarassement.

« Hey ! At least I touched the target thing. » I pointed out trying to save the little of dignity I had left.

« Yeah. That's a big consolation. » He replied with a smile on his face.

« Stop making fun of me or I will shoot you next. » I threatened.

« Oh no don't. Seeing your performance on this fella, I am seriously shaking. »  he taunted with sarcasm in his voice.

I narrowed my eyes at him and turned back to the target in front of me. I let ou a breath and position myself once again. I put my finger on the trigger and focused hard to prove to mister 'I am perfect' behind me what I am capable of. I stayed like this fort a couple minutes before a shot was heard. My eyes opened in shock and all I could was stare at the gun in my hand.

« Oh baby ! Seriously ? You didn't even touch the target this time ! I didn't know you would do worse then before; »

Jake's voice then resonated through my ears and I peeled my eyes from the gun to turn to him. My eyes landed on his face which showed amusement but when he saw my shocked expression, he narrowed his eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat and answered in a shaking voice.

« Jake, it wasn't me »

As soon as I said that, Jake attitude changed. His face became stone cold and he walked towards me at a fast pace. He took the gun from my hands and examined it before realisation hit him that I wasn't joking.
He turn around and position himself in front of me to protect me perhaps. He then started walked towards the door with me in toe since he was gripping my arm. We arrived next to the door and heard another shot and loud screaming coming from the ground floor of the mansion. Without any hesitation, Jake started going towards the noise and entered the foyer. He stopped abrutly and I crashed into him. I tried to see but he was blocking my view. I groan silently in annoyance and decided to stay hidden until Derek voice could be heard.

« Just put the gun down man. Everything will be fine. »

I got scared all of a sudden thinking my brother could be at arms length of a gun and push away from Jake. I saw that he was blocking me on purpose and was surprised when he realised I now stood next to him. I examined the scene in front of me and my mouth hung open in shock. 

All of the guys were standing in front of me but the worst part wasn't this. The worst part was that Nate was pointing a gun at Tyler's face which looked shocked but not terrified like I would be. The others guys also looked rather calm while their friend was being threatened by another one. They just tried to reason him with an annoyed expression.

But all their eyes widened and their faces filled with shock when they saw that Nate had now changed target and was now pointing at me.

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