Why The Signs Will Be Okay

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Why the signs will be okay:

Aries: Time moves, situations change, and people grow more than the human mind can comprehend. There's so much left to experience.

Taurus: Everyone needs a hero, somebody who's going to thrive after everyone else has given up. You are this person. You have always been.

Gemini: When the storm begins to strike and everyone around you has grown downtrodden, you can still see the sun, you are still smiling.

Cancer: Your tears do not show weakness, they show the courage and the drive of a warrior who has made it far past and long over come the fear to feel.

Leo: Your protective instincts and selfless acts of kindness do not go unnoticed. You give all your love, and it's bound to come right back to you.

Virgo: The honesty in your eyes is clear as in one's reflection in a river. People love you. They know how reliable you truly are.

Libra: The open mind goes hand in hand with the open heart. Being a pacifist does not make one weak, or in genuine, it simply means they understand. Something astonishingly rare and beautiful.

Scorpio: The question of "why?" is an important question that you have every right to ask. You are guaranteed to someday find every answer you may need.

Sagittarius: Fortune is on your side. Your mind is on your side. You're right, the onslaught is really not so awful. You are so right. Please never forget that.

Capricorn: When the mountain practically reaches the Heavens, you will not stop climbing until the kingdom is right before your very eyes.

Aquarius: When the whole world seemed to be succumbing to chaos and unfair treatment, you will always remain true to your identity. This is so important. You are the most precious thing you have.

Pisces: This world is not a prison. Your dreams are more than just a vacation, they are a part of you. You are going to use them, and you are going to show the world things they have never ever seen before.

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora