Paragraph About Yours Truly

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Welp I got tagged again by https-otaku (again,) but apparently I'm supposed to write a paragraph about myself so...ugh, here it goes!

My names Adelynne, I've traveled around the world. I move to a lot of different schools/houses/countries. I'm going to be 14 in November. I'm also a big otaku and I love Supernatural and yes I am defiantly a fangirl! I honestly am bored and I need to update a bunch of my stories, but I'm a procrastinator so yeah, that probably won't happen. I'm also a hypocrite, but I at least admit it. I can also get very aggravated easily, but I'm usually quite or loud, there is no in between. I just got Overwatch and I want to play it, but my brothers hogging the XBOX. And why did they have to delete Doctor Who from Netflix and Hulu?!

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