Ciel x Reader

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Not my art

Request once again~
Ima be doing a lot of requests.
If I haven't done yours yet, I have not forgotten you don't worry
I just have yet to do it
It's almost summer break so I'll have some a lot of free time then
Prince! Player! Ciel x Poor! Reader

No point of view

It was soon going to be open castle day in your kingdom. Well, not your kingdom, but the one you lived in. Open castle day was a day where everyone was aloud in parts of the castle. There were also stands and entertainment set up for the people who lived in the kingdom. Later that day there would be a dance, or a ball as some would say, where the prince would make his appearance.

You were getting ready to go to the castle with some of your friends, but the problem is, that you had no clue what to wear. It was a decently cold day out, and you didn't have many thick or warm clothes.

Just then someone knocked on your door. "Who is it," you ask.

"It's Elesis! Open up! I want to help you get ready," she says. You quickly go to the door and open it for her. She was wearing a semi-formal red and black dress with black flats. Her red hair, which matched her dress, was put up in a basic ponytail.

"I brought over some clothes that might fit you!" You quickly tried on some of the clothes and finally decided on (outfit).

"You look so good (Y/n)!"

"Thanks Elesis," you say, smiling. Even though you didn't have much money, your smile was pure gold. None could compare to it. You quickly did your (h/c) hair how you liked it. You quickly put on some (color) shoes to match your outfit.

"C'mon lets go (Y/n)," elesis said, grabbing your wrist and pulling you out the door.

You quickly make your way into the castle with Elesis pulling you along. Once you get there, you and Elesis stop at one of the food stalls and get some onigiri (rice balls). Since you didn't leave your house much you wanted to enjoy the castle while you're there. It's not every day that you can enter the castle, let alone have fun in the castle.

Not to long later you meet up with Elsword and Aisha to go watch a play. The play wasn't to long, but it was a lot better than you had expected.

Not to much later the ball had started. You were inside and standing awkwardly next to Elesis. About half an hour later the prince showed up. Many girls were surrounding the prince, both young and old. It was understandable though, because as we all know Ciel is pretty good looking. You on the other hand were just looking at him.

You saw a line start to form behind the prince, you assumed it was people wanting to dance with him. You were correct. After a while you also decided to join the line, because why not.

Over all of the music and talking you could hear the prince flirting with some of the ladies. You didn't like that to much.

Once it was your turn to dance with him, he introduced himself and you did the same, "Nice to meet you, I'm Ciel."

"I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you, your honor."

"Just call me Ciel."

"O-okay, Ciel." As you said that you stumbled over your own feet, and fell.

You closed your eyes, expecting to hit the ground. But what had happened was you felt warm arms wrapping around your body, preventing you from falling. You opened your eyes to look up to see who caught you, it was none other than the prince. "T-thanks Ciel," you said smiling your beautiful smile.

Ciel looked away and hid his face, "I-it's nothing, (Y/n)."

Elesis, being the person she was, was fangirling of in some corner.

Ciel had decided to ignore the rest of the line, and continue dancing with you. Now, you're a regular in the castle to see Ciel. The king and queen had noticed this and wondered what kind of relationship was going on between the two of you. You know the answer to that~

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