Yuuri Katsuki x Reader

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Yūri Katsuki x Figure Skater! Dominant! Male! Reader

This has two versions (both in this chapter)
Elliot's version
And Dirk's version
We just thought it would be fun to see how differently we write so

Elliot's Version
(I'm going to write this like the Viktuuri in episode 7 didn't happen.)

Figure skating. It was something you loved to do, but sometimes you lacked the inspiration. Watching Yuuri helped you gain your inspiration. You had lived in Japan, sure, you had heard of Yuuri before, sure, but you had never seen him skate.

It mesmerized you. It put you into a trance. You were always at a loss of words to explain Yuuri or his skating. Nice? No... that only explained his personality. Beautiful? It wasn't a strong enough word. Perfect? That was the best word you could come up with. Even when he would fall during a jump or a quad he still seemed perfect in your eyes.

One day you happened to be skating at Ice Castle Hasetsu a while before it actually opened. Little did you know that that was when and where Yuuri happened to skate with his coach Viktor.

You had also competed in competitions, but you were no where near as popular as he was. As handsome as you were, people didn't notice you that much, so when you saw Yuuri walk into the skating rink with his coach, you stopped everything you were doing.

The duo looked at you, surprised. "(L/N) (F/N)," Yuuri said looking at you.

"You know me? That's a surprise. Anyway, nice to meet you, Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov. I'm (L/N) (F/N). I guess I'll be going, I don't want to disrupt your practice," you said, trying to exit the skating rink.

"Why don't you stay and watch? Or even continue practicing yourself? We were the ones who interrupted you skating," Viktor says.

You turn around a look at the duo. "Fine, but I won't be here for long, it feels weird to have someone to watch me practice."

After a few hours of the three of you skating, you decided to ask Yuuri if he wanted to go out to lunch so you guys could talk more. Of course he said yes being the nice person he is.

While the two of you were eating, you asked, "Yuuri, how'd you know who I was?"

"I-Uh-I... I've always looked up to you and how you skate," he yells, his face turning bright red.

You laugh a small bit at his actions. "Why look up to me though? I'm not well known like Viktor is. Shouldn't you look up to someone like him?"

"You don't have to be well known to be good," Yuuri said, his face turning bright red in the process.

"Awe, thanks Yuuri! But you're pretty good yourself," you respond, your cheeks gaining a slight tint of pink.

Months later, when Yuuri and Viktor got back from the China cup, you tackled hugged him since you were so proud of him. You were watching him skate with his family and friends back in Japan, and you enjoyed every bit of it.

When you finally got off of Yuuri to look at his face, he was bright red, not expecting you to tackle hug him.

"Oh my god Yuuri! You did so good," after that you started rambling on and on about how good he did. Since it was late, Viktor had to pull you away from Yuuri so all of you could sleep.

In the morning, Viktor and Yuuri got to the Ice Castle a little bit later than you. When they got there you quickly skated over to Yuuri and asked, "Hey Yuuri? Do you happen to want to go out with me?"

Yuuri's face turned bright red once again and Viktor started snickering in the background. Yuuri slowly nodded his head causing you to lean in and kiss him. Since you were on the ice and he wasn't, you placed one of your hands on the wall between the skating rink and the rest of the room, and you put your other hand on his cheek. It didn't take to long for Yuuri to shyly start kissing back, but the kiss was short lived because Viktor was there and you both needed to practice.

After all of you finished practicing, you grabbed Yuuri's hand and dragged him back to the hot springs with you. When he noticed where the two of you were headed, his face exploded in many shades of red once again.

It's not like the two of you hadn't been in the hot springs together before, because you had, but now the two of you were dating which made it that much different.

Sure, you weren't like Viktor who didn't mind showing off your everything in the hot springs, but you still showed off a lot more skin than you normally did, making Yuuri really flustered.

Obviously you noticed this because Yuuri did a terrible job at hiding it, so you decided to have a little fun with it.

"Hey Yuuri," you asked.

"Yes (L/N)?"

"Do you love me?"

"W-What?! Of c-course I lo-love you!"

You snickered a little bit at the male, "Oh my god Yuuri, you're too cute for me to handle."

You quickly kissed the corner of his mouth and decided to leave it at that, trying to make the male want your attention. It worked.

Yuuri quickly said, "(Y/N)... why'd you do that?"

Him using your first name got to you and made you slightly flustered, so you quickly turned around and kissed him. "That's not fair, Katsuki."

You wrapped one of your arms around his waist and placed the other one against his cheek. He placed both of his around your neck.

After a few seconds, the two of you had to break apart for air, but shortly after that, the two of you started kissing once again. This time you used your arms to bring the male closer to you which both of you seemed to enjoy.

When you pulled away again, you smiled at the male, and placed your forehead against his. "Up for a little fun later," you asked, staring directly into Yuuri's chocolate colored eyes.

His face erupted in many shades of red once again, but he didn't say no. Let's just say he got his fair share of teasing that night.

Dirk's Version

Your name is (FN & LN). You are a highly competitive figure skater from (country of your choice) and you are at the international figure skating convention with you coach. Everyone, from kids who are just starting out, to top gold-medalists, come to SkateCon.
You split off from your coach to look at all the booths. There's a booth with autographed photos of skaters to your left and one with flags from all the different countries to your right. It's all so big and exciting. You feel an adrenaline rush kick in and you start walking while you look at all the things around you.
Not watching where you're going is a big mistake.
You look in front of you and you've bumped into a man with black hair and glasses.
"Oh, sorry!" You say in English, holding out your hands.
"Ehh, sorry, sorry!" He says, turning pink. You can tell he's not from your country- then you realize who it is.
"Yuri Katsuki!" You exclaim. He scratches the back of his head. "Yeah.... That's me.." He has good English.
He rubs his eyes. "Oh, you're (FN & LN) from (country of your choice)! You ranked silver in the Nationals last week!"
You grin, proud that he knows who you are. "Damn right! I destroyed it at that competition!"
The two of you keep talking and stay together for the rest of the day. You're leaving the convention center and turn to Yuri.
"Yuri, lemme see your phone! I wanna give you my number!!!!" You insist.
The other male blushes a little but hands you his phone and brings up a blank contact. You type in your name and number and save it.
"Great! Let's hang out again tomorrow, yeah?" You ask. He nods, smiling. "Sure! I'll text you!" With that, you two go to your separate hotels.
You and Yuri go around the convention the next day, and you stay in touch after the convention. Eventually you ask him out over text and he says yes!
You go to competitions for competing purposes, obviously, but to also see each other! At one competition that Yuri is skating in, you kiss him in front of practically everyone. He gets flustered and then gets called to head out to the rink for warm ups.
He ends up placing first in the competition, and when he gets off the ice you jump into his arms and kiss him until you feel like you'll pass out.
He holds you close and chuckles, his friends taking thousands of pictures and posting them all online.
He manages to pry you off of him to give his coach, Viktor, a big hug. Viktor's mumbling something to Yuri about his performance and the latter nods, grinning.
Yuri turns to you and you kiss him again, hard.
His friends take more pictures.

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