Lu x Ciel

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Not my art

Fandom: Elsword

Apparently Ciel and making cookies is a thing.
That's a pic I took from Els btw
It was in the actual story

This was written by Dirk

"Ciel! When will they be ready?!"
The impatient, tiny demon jumped up and down. Ciel looked down at her. "The cookies will be ready in less than a minute. They're almost done baking."
Lu looked up at him and grumbled something about human ovens, then walked over to the table and sat down. "Fine. I can wait less than a minute."
The oven beeped and Ciel took them out, then turned off the oven. "Now they need to cool. At least another ten minutes so no one gets burned." He told her.
Lu groaned and hopped off the chair. "This isn't fair! I can't believe you have to do this every time you make cookies!" Ciel shrugged. "Eh. It's just always been a part of my life. Doesn't bother me."
Ciel walked over to the table and smiled slightly. "Ok, don't think of it as ten minutes. Think of it as one minute, ten times. Just take a minute at a time."
Lu huffed. "I am an all-powerful demon! I don't need to know about simple time from a human!" Ciel chuckled and gave her another warm smile. "Do you want my amazing cookies, or not?"
"I do!" Lu insisted. Ciel walked back over to the cookies and began to put them on a cooling rack. "I was lying when I said ten minutes. I meant about five, and two have already passed."
Lu rolled her eyes, but sat back down in her seat.
After a few minutes Lu brought a plateful of a couple of the cookies for them to share. Lu quickly grabbed one and ate it happily, giggling to herself. Ciel chuckled and ate one.
Soon all the cookies were gone from the plate, and Lu looked at Ciel for a moment, before getting up and jumping up to kiss his cheek.
Ciel blushed a little. "Uh.. Lu, what was that for?" She grinned. "The cookies, duh! They were great, thank you!"
Ciel raised his eyebrows. "Oh, yeah, of course. No problem."

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