Chapter one: the once lost

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"No mom I'm going to be fine, I'm almost there. Yes mother I'm staying the night you said I can. Anyways I see the house okay bye, love ya to." I lied as I walked in the trail toward the dance where I was meeting Luna, my best friend, we are so close like sisters.

"Are you lost?" A man walks out of the shadows and checks out my light blue shorts, 3/4 cut white shirt that hangs low on my chest and makes me look like I have bigger boobs than I really do and my knee high strapped sandals.

"Sorry nope, are you lost. Or are you headin to the stark boy's house for the party?" I ask stopping and putting my right hand on my hip. He smiles and walks forward and stops a few feet away from me. As he inhales his tight black shirt tightens more and his jeans don't move.

"You smell good, good enough for a snack." He smirks and jumps toward me and I duck and run toward the river. As I reach the river he wraps his arms around my waist and licks my neck and I freeze in terror. As his teeth slide together on my neck a hand grabs my arm and pull me out of the guy's grip and im enclosed with white feathers.

"Jared, why do we have to keep you in place and to stop stalking girls for snacks... Are you o.... Grace is it really you?" The man with wings looks down at me and has a shocked expression on his face as he lightly plays with a strand of my hair.

" who are you? And yes my name is Grace it is a common name you know you could have the wrong grace." I say pushing away and trip the fall into the deep river. " I... I can't... Swim!" I attempt to yell and as I start to drown but another guy grabs me and swims across the river with me in his arms. 

" be careful or you'll kill yourself okay?" He says as we walk upon the shore. He wipes my hair and puts me over his shoulder. 

"Hey wait, stop! I need to get to Luna. Put me down now or else I, I, I will have to hurt you. Put me down!" I start kicking and hitting him hard and he doesn't flinch and keeps walking.

" shut up, I'm going to get you dried off first alright. Seth keep an eye on Jared I don't trust bats like him. I'm going to dry her off so she doesn't catch a cold." I watch behind him as the winged man... Seth bows his head and pulls Jarred? By the ear away.

"Who are you?" I stop moving and just hang there. " I can walk you know." 

" I'm Erik and if I put you down all you are going to do is run to stark's house. Trust my word kid you can't out run me." I attempt to turn over to see him.

"I am not a kid I am 17. How old are you? 21?" I say and I feel his body moves under my stomach as he chuckles.

"I'm the same age as you. Anyways I was on my way to Stark's party and saw you helplessly wailing your arms in the water while Seth had a shocked look on his face and Jarred smirking his horrible life away. What is your name?" He says fixing me to sit on his shoulder.

"I can't swim! Anyways why should I tell you my name?" I ask looking away flipping my long blonde hair with black lowlights.

" One I saved your life, two I'm making sure you don't get a cold and three I told you my name when you asked." He smirks and squeezes my thigh with his hand.

"Ow! Okay fine my name is Grace, Grace Shadowspear." He stops and looks at me then continues to the left getting closer to Stark's house. As we reach a blue bag he bends his knees and grabs the bag and puts a towel on my head and walks toward stark's as we reach the entrance and I'm still on Erik's shoulder Luna runs straight toward us and starts screeching at me and Erik.

"Where the heck were you and who is this! Why are you soaked, why are you on his shoulder, did someone push you in the river, did you slip in trying to save another cat... Grace answer me who is this!" As I'm about to answer Erik cuts me off.

"Ah Luna how is the worst mermaid in the ocean? She fell in while pushing Seth away. He was protecting her from Jared and I saved her, maybe next time take a gulp of salt water to let her speak, gosh you still are very ugly." He smirks and puts me down. As I try to thank Erik Luna puffs off.

"Well, well, well I didn't recognize you dog boy without your fur, where is your little friends? Anyways I'm out are you coming Grace or am I going to dance by myself?" She says flipping her cotton candy blue dyed hair and walking off.

"Ya one moment, thanks Erik I owe you big time." I smile and as I turn around he grabs my wrist and spins me toward him.

"Maybe a dance or two can make us even?" He asks and let's go then walks beside me as I giggle and nod to him. 

As we enter I see Stark flirting with Luna and she does her flirting move which is bitting her lip and looking at the guy's lips. As Erik drops his bag and the towel and brings me to the dance floor. 

"Let's see how good your dance moves are eh dog boy?" I tease him and he chuckles and walks toward the DJ and asks for a song then truth or dare comes on and I moves my hips and raises my arms and he walks over to and grabs my hips and sways with me.

"Where did you learn to dance?!" Erik asks as he moves off I laugh keep dancing.

"Dance lessons since I was able to walk! I also have singing lessons, piano lessons and gymnastics!" I say as loud as I can and I notice he can't hear me and I get pushed away from him and I get swallowed by the crowd.

"Erik! Ow! Stop please!" I yell as I'm being pushed around. Erik yells my name and I hear it and raise my hand then a guy grabs it and I turn to see who it was.

"Ah! No please don't! Jared please let go it hurts" I pull my hand and he pulls toward him and dances with me.

"Don't worry I'm here to say sorry with a dance. You dance right? Well too bad if you don't let's have fun!" He gives me his childish smile and dances with me. The second he let go of my hand I turn to run off and I got not even two feet away and I hit Erik's chest. I lookup and Erik has a furious look at Jared.  Jared grins and walks up to me and reaches out and Erik pushes me away and I hit my head on the floor and black out.

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