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I hit ENTER on my keyboard.

And then, something unpredictable happened.

I blacked out.

Groaning, I tried to sit up, unaware of where I was. I had a terrible headache and I felt like 20 little men were banging drums inside of my head. My body felt like it was just thrown off of a 50-story building and handed to me. I realized quickly that I was unable to move because my wrists and ankles were bound with tight, sturdy ropes. Or at least I thought they were ropes. I couldn't tell. My eyes were covered with a dark handkerchief, so I couldn't see a thing.

I was frightened, not only because I was unaware of where I was, but just seconds earlier, I was on my laptop that afternoon. It was the last thing I could remember. What was I doing on my laptop? What time is it? I thought. I could not remember anything after doing whatever it was on my laptop. I tried to struggle free, but it was useless.

When I screamed out for help, I realized that my mouth was covered with a tight cloth, so I could barely get any sound out. That wouldn't have mattered anyway. My voice was extremely hoarse and I could barely speak anything louder than a whisper. I was reminded of my health and science class when my one of my favorite teachers, Ms. Bach, gave us a lesson on the throat. It was a long lesson, so "long lesson short", we were taught that if we gargled lemon juice and vinegar, it would temporarily damage our vocal chords. I assumed that when I was unconscious, whoever had me here made me drink that nasty mixture since my throat tasted nasty and sour.
What the heck is going on? What is happening? Where am I? I thought. I decided to stay completely still. If anyone was going to see me, I should be moving around trying to get attention. But the chances were probably that anyone around were most likely unfriendly. I wouldn't want them to know that I was awake. So I stuck to my plan and didn't move.

I waited for what seemed like hours, but was probably 15 or 20 minutes. During that time, I somehow managed to build enough courage to move around and to take notice of my surroundings. At least, I felt around to "see" what I could find. My search was not very successful, only to find that I was laying on a hard (cement?) floor. It seemed unusually dusty, and I realized that the room was musty and humid. Outside of wherever I was, it was storming as if the clouds were sending their raindrop-minions down to break in, beating hard until the windows broke. When they were unable to break inside, their furious cloud masters would rumble and flash angry lightning at them to scare them to work harder.

I slightly chuckled at the thought of this, being cautious not to hurt my hoarse throat. But all of a sudden, I felt something. Something crawling on my hands, crawling over the rope, crawling on to my arms. Without thinking, I feared for the worst and I tried to scream, "SPIDDDEEERR!!!" My throat felt like it was on fire.

Almost immediately afterword, I heard a faint movement in the background. I heard the shuffling of feet and I could hear muffled whispering, unable to make everything out.

"Do you think she is awake?"

"I don't know...might help"

"Come... need to do this..."

"Right thing... not sure..."

"We need to obey, need to..."

I held my breath. No longer aware of the spider on me, I vowed to myself that I would stay completely motionless and silent. These men don't sound very nice, I thought.

I then heard a creak coming from near me and then a clang. It sounded a lot like a metal door. What does that lead to?

Before I knew it, the footsteps I heard before became louder. The once muffled voices became more clear. They were getting closer.

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