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 marciejones:  C🌸4,235 likes 4,635 comments

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marciejones:  C🌸
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drellastella: clearly for Chris

briennejonesy: drellastella well who else would it before???

hannahsxa: when you gotta represent your boyfriend

kornazxz: look at that smile though

chrisevans: kornazxz amazing, right?

vvvivian: I need that jacket

monatheteen: could be for captain america???

sallyandjack: monatheteen maybe but we prefer Chris 😂

xxrhee: they have to be dating cmon

 marciejones: when all your comments are about your dating life

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marciejones: when all your comments are about your dating life. #hangingupnow
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elizabetholsen: welcome to the bizz

marciejones: elizabetholsen jinkies

briennejonesy: Marcie to play Velma on the next Scooby Doo movie

drellastella: briennejonesy imagine Chris as Fred though

briennejonesy: drellastella ooh

kornazxz: you're dropping mad hints about Chris tho

marciejones: kornazxz we're just friends though?

monatheteen: #maris

xxrhee: when you're mad about #maris and #sarcie and just want everyone to be happy

 marciejones: pals that make films together stick together imsebastianstan 4,273 likes 4,228 comments

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marciejones: pals that make films together stick together imsebastianstan
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myghostssx: talking diversion from #maris to #sarcie

cerulean: you can't make us forget about #maris

friesncoke: although #sarcie are great together even in films

ginagina: captain marvel and bucky are great in ca:cw I love their friendship

chrisevans: best pals!

vvvivian: Chris barging in on his territory

hannahsxa: vvvivian shh

imsebastianstan: 😊❤️

youthfulwaters: #SARCIE AF

cerulean: youthfulwaters I'll fight u

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