[rewritten/new version of "Ms. Marvel" that was taken down on 31/5/16]
in which she is Captain Marvel
[social media • Chris Evans]
cover by DarellyLucero
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In a recent spotting of Marcie Jones, it seems that she is more into her pregnancy than we originally thought, clearly when she first announced her pregnancy she wasn't as early into it as we had first deduced, as we no longer have access to her Instagram account, we have no direct source of information.
Can we expect the #MARIS baby sooner than we thought? Definitely, as she looks like she's about to give birth any moment.
She was spotted in LA with an unknown friend, with no Chris in sight as she travelled around the city, doing some small shopping, seemingly for baby supplies and toys!
We're excited for the day we can give you some information on the #MARIS baby, which we're hoping to do sometime soon as we work out some details with Marcie's lawyers about how we dealt with her initial pregnancy announcement.
We should have never pressured or released such information out of her and we're truly sorry for any pain this has caused.