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 chrisevans: #family 💕4,927 likes 4,288 comments

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chrisevans: #family 💕
4,927 likes 4,288 comments

vvvivian: that baby is probably more rich than I am

briennejonesy: vvvivian true though

elizabetholsen: she's getting that half face selfie down to pat

imsebastianstan: I bought that onesy aw my cute niece guys

marciejones: elizabetholsen this child can model better than most models though it's unreal

marciejones: imsebastianstan we bought her a winter soldier onesy but it hasn't turned up yet /: I'm excited to buy her all types of onesy for her marvel fam

scarlettjohansson: 😍 I should bring over Rose sometime

xxrhee: this child is going to be ultimate marvel baby I swear

monamona: it's a shame this baby wasn't born until after civil war, imagine if she had a cameo in the movie


marciejones: roeroelow monamona excuse me whilst I call marvel and get them to put this into captain marvel

marciejones: scarlettjohansson yes! we should definitely work something out

robertdowneyjr: this baby is going to get everything iron man related

chrisevans; robertdowneyjr too late friend

marciejones: chrisevans robertdowneyjr Chris already bought everything he could think of with the shield on

robertdowneyjr: marciejones chrisevans that poor child truly doesn't know who's better

marciejones: robertdowneyjr yeah she does, it's me who better obviously

 marciejones: got that mixtape cover ready robertdowneyjr chrisevans 5,038 likes 4,927 comments

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marciejones: got that mixtape cover ready robertdowneyjr chrisevans
5,038 likes 4,927 comments

friesncoke: I expect some great rapping on this mixtape

ginagina: robertdowneyjr for president

ginagina: tbh this does seem like a great presidential poster

marciejones: ginagina oh god don't give him ideas

robertdowneyjr: marciejones ginagina 2020 gals 2020

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