chapter 12

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I stood there. completely shocked, Mr. Bernard was the "awesome friend" Keith was talking about? he's horrible!

"I see you two know each other." Keith said with a smile, " I was trying to tell you earlier that Seth teaches at your school."

I stood there with my mouth still open, I can feel Mr. Bernard's eyes roaming down my body so started pulling my shorts down feeling a little self conscious. I mean I have a pretty nice body, but I always got a little insecure when people would stair at me, and plus he's my teacher witch makes it weird.

"Dude, you didn't tell me your sister was my student." Mr. Bernard gritted out.

"Sorry bro, I didn't know" Keith said laughing.

"Keith shut the fuck up" I said really annoyed that he found this funny.

"Watch your mouth." Mr.Bernard said through gritted teeth.

"No offence but you can't tell me what to do in my own house." I said glaring at him. He glared back at me, and by this point i'm sure Keith can sense the tension.

"Ookay, who's ready to eat." Keith said smiling to ease the tension.

We both nodded and headed to the dinning room table, being sure to avoid the broken glass on the floor. I really don't know what Keith is going to tell mom about her drinking glass.

"So. How are you enjoying Seth as your teacher. He's cool right" Keith said laughing punching "Seth".

"Yeah right." I said with a scoff rolling my eyes.

"Your sister is just mad I gave her detention for a week for cursing and being late to my class.''

"Ohh this is the asshole English teacher you told me about?" Keith said dying of laughter.

I could almost feel Mr. Bernard burning a hole into the side of my face. I just glared at Keith.

" Keep it up and ill just uninvite camryn up to the beach house with us this summer." I said glaring at him. He almost choked on his drink.

"Camryn is coming." Keith said going completely red.

"Yup" I said smiling and taking a sip of my water.

The rest of the night went on uneventful after we finished eating dinner "seth" had to go home and grade papers so me Keith watched a horror movie marathon and I almost pissed my pants. I am now sitting in my room unable to sleep, thinking one of my dolls will come alive and kill me. After 2 hours i finally dozed off into a silent peaceful slumber..









hit hit hit

"Kieth I swear to the heavens that I will kill you in your sleep if you don't stop being so freaking annoying all the time."

" Okay jeez, I just thought maybe you could use your own personal alarm"

My face was still in my pillow but I almost feel the smug smile on his face. God I hate him.

"Fine i'm getting up, you can leave my room now" I said my head still in the pillow slowly drifting off again.




" fine!" I yelled jumping off my bed. "I'm up now get he fuck out of my room" I shouted pushing him out of my room.

"Okay, Okay jeez always so violent."

After the monster witch is my brother was finally out of my room, I was extremely tempted to slide under the sheets and continue my dream about Taylor Lautner , but unfortunately it was time to get ready for school.




As soon as I walked through the school doors I was greeted by camryn with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey hey hey" she said bubbly as ever.

"Uh hey , whats got you so happy" I said in a questioning tone.

"Ohhh you know.. Life." She smile.

"okay spill." I said coming to a stop

"Ha okay, okay, so Keith called me last night and told me he was really happy i was coming up to the beach house with you guys and then we talked and talked and talked, for the whole night." She said hugging her books and looking up at the ceiling.

" Well i'm glad you're coming too, but no freaky stuff while in home" I said scrunching my nose.

"Trust me, that will not be happening anytime soon."

"Why not?"

"Well.. I'm a virgin."

"Oh thank God, I'm not the only one in this school." I sighed in relief. Me and camryn laughed and headed to class.

The day was going extremely slow, I was getting my books for English when someone bumped into me.

"What the heck" I said picking up my books.

"Now stay down there, that's where you belong" Kristy smirked, her minions behind her.

"Listen slut, back the hell off and get out of my way" I said slamming my locker and bumping past her.

"This isn't over you little bitch" she scuffed.

"What ever you say carbs, oh I mean Kristy" I smirked flicking her off.

I'm so tired of her. I barley been here a week and I already feel like I see her face way too much. I walked into English and wasn't surprised to see no one there seeing the bell rings in five minutes. I walked in to see Mr. Bernard at his desk reading a book with a pen at the side of his mouth. Its funny how he looks completely different than how he looked last night. Last night he looked casual, in a pear of jeans and black V neck. But now he looks professional, in a navy blue button down and and black slacks. Man I have to admit it but he is so sexy ju..

" Are you going to stand there and stair at me all day, or are you going take your seat and we can start the lesson."

I looked around to see that everyone was already seated. What the heck, when did the bell ring, and when did everyone come in?

" Um yeah sorry" I whispered completely embarrassed.

" You're so pathetic" Kristy said as I walked past her.

"you're so pathetic" I said mocking her high pitched voice. And everyone started to laugh.

"Alex please take a seat" Mr. Bernard said in a stern voice.

"Whatever Seth." I said rolling my eyes.

And that my friends is how I got detention for the entire first month of summer.

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