~~~~~~~~~Sonic: My Crush at First Blush~~~~~~~~~
I practically drag myself back to class. The bell rings after a time, but I'm so busy staring at my desk that I don't even notice until the librarian comes over to tell me to leave. I pick up my bag and shuffle to the door, too shocked to pay attention to anything. I manage to make it out of the school, and I run almost immediately out of instinct.
This can't really be happening, I think, telling to dispel my nervous thoughts. I mean, I think Tails is 'cute' when he blushes, but that alone doesn't mean I like guys... I gulp as I realize that Shadow has been bothering me all day for a very different reason than I originally thought.
Okay, so what? It doesn't matter who I like as long as I'm still myself. This really isn't any different than having a crush on a girl. My parents will accept it, right? ...right? I halt in my running as I worry about the answer of this question, but resume running once I've made my decision.
Of course they'll accept me; they always have, and I've never been average compared to most other people. They accepted my powers, so they'll accept who I am as well. I scratch my ear as I run, the breeze on my quills feeling full of freedom, and I think back to that moment again.
I really am jumping the gun, I decide, shaking my head. This may be a fluke, or a silly crush that passes. I mean, I've had crushes on girls before, and I've always dated girls, so I'm probably bisexual. That would be good; it would leave some wiggle room in case my parents don't like the idea of me having a...boyfriend. A sudden blush breaks out on my muzzle as a image of Shadow jumps to mind at the word.
He really is hot... My face turns bright red at the thought of holding his hand, at hugging him close with my head over his shoulder. This is going to take some getting used to... I end my daydream as I arrive at my house, trying to think of a way to explain this to my parents instead.
Eh, I'll make sure that I'm actually bisexual before coming out about it. I mean, no sense in making a deal out of this only to not find Shadow attractive anymore... To do that, I guess I need to get closer to Shadow. I groan at the humongous blush that comes now, as I was about to walk inside. Great... Oh, well, it's fine.
"I'm home!" I yell happily as I walk through the door. My ears pick up a welcome call from my mom telling me dad is still at work. Sprinting to the kitchen, I make myself an enormous sandwich and flop down on the couch to eat it.
"Sonic!" I grin at Tails as he comes in, forgetting I have a mouthful of food. "Ew! Sonic! That's gross!" I manage to swallow before I burst out laughing, luckily for the carpet.
"How ya' doing, little bro?" I ask him, making a spot for him on the couch. Tails hops up excitedly and starts to chatter away about his school day. I laugh when he tells me about making several new friends, and give him a hearty "I told you so!" We talk for almost an hour about his first day of school, and I'm in no hurry to mention mine.
"Sonic," mom calls from the kitchen, "I just got two messages from the school saying you got hurt today."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that," I say, raising my voice to be heard. "They were accidents Mom, so don't worry about it. I'm fine now, anyways."
"Are you sure?" She asks in a concerned tone, and I sigh as I realize I'll have to explain them to my dad, too.
"Yes, I'm sure," I call, happy to have ended the subject. Returning to my conversation with Tails, I ask him about his most recent mechanical project. He tells me about it for a long time, and I love seeing how happy it makes him. We talk until dinner, and I enjoy my little brother's enthusiasm over his work. When dinner does come, along with our father's arrival, we race to sit at the table first.

SonAdow - Romance in Highschool?
FanfictionSonic is an energetic, fast-living transfer to GreenWood Highschool, excited to make friends and settle in with his adoptive family. Shadow is a reserved, arrogant boy who's been at GreenWood for two years, and has yet to make a single friend in hig...