Sonic: A Chemistry Tutor

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I can't believe how this all worked out... I think, shaking my head. I mean, it was frustrating to get only an 82 on that science test today, but now I'm just confused. I don't even know whether to be happy, mad, or nervous! I tap Rouge's contact icon on my phone, thankful that I was able to get her number last Thursday. I call her, and I wait as the phone rings, eventually hearing someone pick up.

"Hey, Rouge?" I ask, holding my phone to my ear. "You there?"

"Hey, hun! What can I do you for?" Rouge responds cheerily, making me laugh.

"I was wondering if you knew Shadow's phone number," I explain, blushing slightly as I realize what my request sounds like.

"Well... I know a number you can reach him at. Is this school-related?" Rouge asks, sounding a bit suspicious.

"Yes, unfortunately," I say sheepishly, wishing I really didn't have to call Shadow this way. "It's kind of embarrassing..."

"Do tell!" Rouge exclaims excitedly, sounding a bit like she's bouncing up and down in happiness.

"Well, I've been bombing Chem, and Mrs. Brinklet just set Shadow up as my new tutor. I thought I was going to get some snooty brainiac or some incompetent teacher..." That's the understatement of the year. I was sure I would get one! "...who's never seen the material in his life, but I got Shadow instead. Mrs. Brinklet said that she'd cleared it with him already, and that she thinks the experience could be good for both of us. She told me she'd tried to get him to tutor before and that he refused, and, for some reason, he's accepted to tutor me."

"Ooh, hun, that sounds fun!" Rouge squeals, and I blink in surprise.

"It does?" I ask, wondering why she would think I want to be tutored, especially by my crush. "I mean, it's one thing to embarrass myself in front of someone I don't know, but now Shadow's going to think I'm an idiot. And I'm not excited for him to realize how bad I am at school subjects..." I feel my cheeks tinge red as I imagine how unimpressed Shadow will be with my abilities. This isn't the kind of thing I had in mind when I was daydreaming about him coming over to my house.

"Hun, Shadow might be a little impatient, but he won't laugh at you or mock you. Just try your best, and he'll do his best to help you. I wouldn't worry too much if he seems exasperated; he gets fed up with me all the time!"

"Alright, but I'm still not looking forwards to embarrassing myself in front of him," I grumble, my self-image a bit more deflated than usual. Why do I have to be an idiot around my crush of all things? I mean, there goes my chance of Shadow ever thinking I'm worth his time.This just isn't fair...

"Sonic, hun, is this really just a matter of ego? You sound pretty down considering you're talking about Shadow. I thought you liked being around him."

"I do!" I exclaim, worried she'll think I don't like Shadow anymore. "I do like Shadow; I'm only worried that he'll think I'm not worth his time..." I sigh, looking down at the floor. For a Tuesday night, this is sucking more than usual.

"Shadow thinks you're worth his time, trust me. He accepted the offer to tutor you, didn't he? Believe me when I tell you he's not in need of the extra credit from tutoring. He's helping you because he wants to help you. Now, stop being so insecure--it's not like you--and have faith in the fact Shadow likes you and will accept you anyway you are." Rouge's last comment hits home a little better than she probably intended, making me flush.

"Do you really think he'll accept me anyway I am, or are you just saying that?" I ask suspiciously, tilting my head to the side.

"Hun, I meant it. Now, is there a particular reason why you're concerned...?" I jump at the suggestive tone in her voice, my heart rate going through the roof as I worry she's discovered my crush on Shadow.

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