Shai, 18 year old freshman in college. Her parents sent her to an all girls school to prevent what happened in the past, but what happens when their plan backfires on them and Shai does the unthinkable. What's the next move? Can Shai's parents conti...
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Zena and Mario were here helping me set up, which I greatly appreciated. I wanted everything to be perfect for when Macey and Diamond got here. I was starting to tear up thinking about how they helped me when my doorbell rang. I wasn't sure who it was because the get together didn't start until 2:30 this afternoon. It was only 11:30am. I walked over to the door and opened it. When I saw who it was I fainted. My ass fell right to the floor. A bitch was knocked the fuck out y'all. I had a good ass blink, not sleep, but blink for about thirty seconds before Mario's ass threw water on me. I woke up so fast I think I scared them too.
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"Pooh what are you doing here? How'd you know where I live?" She smiled and stuck her arms out for a hug. I accepted and took in her scent. She smelled so good. I missed my best friend so much. I stepped aside and let her come in. Mario took her bags upstairs to one of the guest rooms while we sat down in the kitchen.
"I can't believe you're living like this. All of this from painting?" She asked. I nodded my head yes and pointed to the picture over my couch in the living room.
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"This was the first painting I ever did. Macey captured this priceless moment. Me in my element. I framed it when I moved up here to keep me motivated."
Pooh began to cry which made me cry too. "I'm so proud of you best friend. I missed you so much. Don't ever disappear on me again." I smiled and agreed that I wouldn't go missing ever again. We wiped our tears away and jumped in Mario and Zena's conversation.
2:30 PM
Everyone is here except the crew plus Macey and Diamond. I was beginning to worry because they were late. I sipped from my drink trying to relax my nerves. "Shai chill. They'll be here" Zena said while Pooh rubbed my back. I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out and shook the nerves away.
Ding Dong
"The doorbell" I screamed. Everyone turned to look at me as if I was crazy. I felt embarrassed. I wanted to go see who it was but my feet wouldn't move. "I'll get it" Pooh said. She opened the door and she too fell to the ground. I quickly ran over to see Ty, Zion and JAX standing in my doorway. All three of them had tears rolling down their face and so did I. Jax had been in jail for seven months and still managed to look flawless. I couldn't help myself. She looked so good. I jumped in her arms and planted kiss all over her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and let out a slight moan.
"Mm. Save that energy for later. You gone need it" she whispered in my ear. The warm sensation from her breath went down my body and made my pussy quiver. I didn't know it was possible until now.
"Ok. Ok. What about our hug? Ty said through sniffles. I smiled and embraced them at the same time. I didn't want to let go. It's been so long since I've seen them. I honestly thought i would never see them again. Once all the crying and hugging was over I invited them in and we got the party started.
"Who wants a drink?" I asked. Everyone's hand went up in the air. I laughed as I went to the kitchen to fix them. Zena helped me too because I wasn't much of a drinker so sometimes they didn't come out that great. I looked over at her and smiled. She slid her hand across my waist and smiled back.
I know you're wondering if we have something going on behind Mario's back, but it's not like that. Before I moved to New York we would casually have threesomes. Mario never penetrated me though. I'd eat Zena's pussy or finger her while she gave Mario head. It was fun while it lasted to be honest. I feel like she's still sexually attracted to me and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still attracted to her too.
We finished the drinks and served them. Jax looked a little upset so I took her to my room to talk to her. "Excuse me guys. We'll be right back." Ty laughed like she knew something I didn't. We went up the stairs and to my room. I closed the door behind me and looked at Jax.
"Babe what's wrong? You look upset."
She rolled her eyes and sat on my bed. I sat beside her and placed my hand on her thigh. She looked over at me and said "You fucking her?" I was caught all off guard by that question. I decided there was no point in lying so I answered truthfully.
"Yes. I had a few threesomes with her and her boyfriend."
Jax's eyes got big. I know what she was thinking. I tried to explain but she wouldn't let me. She pushed me back on the bed and ripped my pants off. I knew exactly what was about to happen.
"Does she fuck you like this?" She asked slamming two fingers inside me. I let out a loud moan and let her take care of me.
20 minutes later
I was all showered up and ready to take the walk of shame back downstairs. As I came down the stairs everyone began to slow clap. I tried to hold my laughter in but I failed miserably.
"Feel better?" Zion asked. I covered my face but nodded yes. Jax really took care of me. Better than Zena or Mario ever did. I feel like she was fuckin some broad in jail, but I didn't ask.
"Now that y'all have relit your flame can we please have some fun?"
Everyone held up their drink and made a toast to whatever it was they wanted to toast to. We sat around and drank, talked and played games. Life was starting to turn around and I was beginning to smile and live again.