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I couldn't stand the sight of this bitch, not only because she's my mom's twin sister, but also because I hit her up for help and she disowned me like every other family member I had.

"Bitch you stalking me now?" I said letting go of Jax and Zena. Although I let go, Jax held a firm grip on my arm not letting me get any closer to her. Ty, Zion and Diamond blocked me off as well while Macey stood there ready to fight.

She smiled and said "Little girl no one is stalking your dyke ass."

There goes that word I hate.

"Dyke ass? Bitch watch your mouth. I don't know who you think you are, but you better check yourself cause I'm not the one."

All of a sudden my mother, father and some teenage girl walked up. The girl looked familiar, but I couldn't quit remember who she is.

"Oh, Shai how nice to see you" my mother said with a fake smile on her face.

I took a step forward while she took a step backwards. Jax began to laugh. "Ho don't want her ass beat again."

Ty and Zion joined in laughing, which made her angry. She rolled her eyes and stormed off. Good. I wasn't for beating a bitch ass today.

"Y'all are the most disrespectful group of kids I've met" my dad said. I raised my brow at him in disbelief.

"Disrespectful? Nigga respect is fuckin earned. Last time I checked you lost that privilege when you kicked me out. Fuck you and ya respect you THINK you deserve."

He walked up to me and raised his hand to slap me, but a middle aged, tall white cop stopped him.

"Sir I can't allow you to do that. That's assault."

My dad huffed and tried to explain his SIDE of the story. As far as I was concerned he had no side of the story. He was a poor excuse for a man and father.

Once my dad was finished talking the cop laughed at him. "Are you kidding me? You put your own daughter, your blood through hell and you demand respect? Just walk away because you sound ridiculous."

He turned on his heels and walked away as my aunt stood holding her ground. "Bitch that means you too!" Jax said.

My aunt tried to swing at her, but missed and before I knew it Jax had swung and connected. My aunt held her face and started crying pleading with the cop to press charges. He shook his head no.

"Self defense ma'am. You swung first and the nerve to do it in front of me. Please leave these kids alone. Have a blessed day."

They walked off looking dumb as fuck. We thanked the cop for helping us because if my dad had hit me it would have been a full out brawl in the middle of Central Park.

While he was there we asked him to take our picture and he did. We posed in many different ways before he gave us my phone back. We got his name and snapchat so we could talk to him later. He probably wasn't supposed to do that, but who gives a fuck.

"What y'all tryna do now?" Ty asked.

My stomach growled so i suggested we get some food. "Let's find a LGBT bar and hit that up. I'm tired of homophobic ass people for one day." Everyone agreed so we looked one up on Apple Maps and headed that way.

Evolve Bar/Club

We walked in and the set up was nice. By this time my stomach was growling extra loud. We were seated at a table and the waitress took our drink order. We all got water and some form of lemonade.

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