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December 31

We were in Times Square walking around celebrating New Years Eve with everyone else that was out here. Everything was going great until a man, white man to be exact bumped into Jax. He didn't apologize or say excuse me which angered her. Jax being Jax said something to him and things escalated from there. He was in her face pointing and yelling calling her all kinds of dykes and bitches.

"Come on Jax lets go" I said pulling on her arm.

She jerked away and kept on talking trying to get her point across. The man had enough of her mouth and punched her in it. Jax fell to the ground and blood flowed from her lip as she cried from anger. Three black men saw what was happening and decided to intervene.

"Aye man. You're a grown ass man assaulting a woman. These are women back off."

He laughed in his face and pushed him right in his chest. The guy pushed him back causing a brawl to start. It was black against white. Men against men. Men against women. The whole thing was crazy. When the cops showed up they had their guns drawn and immediately approached us, the black folks.

"Get on the ground! Get on the ground now!"

We did as he said but they still didn't drop their guns. They were pointed straight at us as cops pushed their knees into our necks and backs, causing us to cry out in pain. Although we were handcuffed the assaults didn't stop there. They beat us with the wand sticks and one even tasered a guy. His body began to shake and his arms flailed to the side.

"Stop moving! Don't reach for your pockets!"

The guys body movements were uncontrollable and the cop was very insensitive to the fact that he had just been shocked with electricity. He pulled out his gun and let off four rounds into the mans chest. Everyone screamed and started running which only caused even more panic. We remained handcuffed on the ground, tears running down out faces as the white man who started it all stood back and laughed. This was one fucked up world that we lived in and the pain that black people felt on a daily basis was unbearable.

"You shot my brother for no reason" one man yelled. He fought the officers and started resisting arrest.

"Stop resisting" the cop yelled with his knee in the crook of his neck.

He pulled out his gun and pointed it at him. We all began to scream pleading for him not to shoot him. The guy continued to resist with the cop when all of a sudden he jumped up and tried to rush over to his brother, only to be shot in the process.

"Man why would you shoot him? He wasn't even running towards you. That's fucked up ol racist ass."

The cop walked over to Jax and pointed his gun at her. "You wanna be next?" He threatened. She continued to yell and curse which only made him angrier.

"Jax please stop talking" I said through all the commotion.

The officer laughed and told her to listen to what the bitch, me had to say. She held her head down and bit her tongue not wanting to add more fuel to the fire. Once everyone was contained behind a barrier they picked us up and threw us in a cop car. We were being taken to a local police station with no one to call.


It was 9:30 the next morning when we were released from jail. The officer that we had met in Central Park months ago saw what happened on the news and came to bail all of us out. He cursed every single police officer involved out, using every word imaginable.

"Are you guys ok?" He asked looking us over.

We had bruises all over our faces and arms. Jax had nothing to say and neither did Zion or Pooh. This wasn't their first time that either of them had a run in with the police due to their sexual preference.

Ty, Diamond and Macey were still trying to process everything. Macey and Diamond got treated as a minority for dating and hanging with the niggers. The cops roughed them up as well and forbid us to use the phone. They had a huge lawsuit on their hands and I wasn't going to give up until justice was seved for us and the brother's they shot.

"Do you know if the brother's are going to be ok?" Jax asked genuinely concerned.

Officer Tommy shook his head no, the sadness filling his eyes. Jax began to cry and for the first time since everything happened she showed real emotion. What happened to those brothers was very sad and tragic and should have never taken place.

Officer Tommy escorted us to his truck that he had before the paparazzi could approach. We piled in and sat there quietly as the driver started the engine. Jax laid her head on my shoulder as the truck left the precinct. Tears dropped on my shirt faster than I could wipe them away. This was going to be a long road ahead of us.


Heyy y'all 👋🏽. Here's an update. I jumped a few months ahead and gave y'all some drama/real life events happening today. Sorry for the wait, but as always leave comments, vote & share.

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