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August 14th

Today is move in day at school and I'm not excited at all. My parents made me enroll in an ALL girls school. What straight girl wants to be around bitches 24/7? I like boys which is what got me in the situation I'm in now. My parents don't trust me and I don't blame them, but still why go to this extreme?

"Shai I'm highly disappointed in you. How could you? You're just a child. How will you take care of a baby when you're a baby yourself?"

Those words replayed in my mind as I packed my last suitcase for school. Whether I wanted to or not I was going to be living with females for the next four years of my life. I might as well get used to it because there isn't any going back now. I got myself in this predicament so I need to make the best of it.

"Shai, sweetheart are you ready? Check-in starts in roughly an hour."

I grabbed my last bag and headed down the stairs. "Mmhm I'm ready" I said attitude very visible. My dad let out a heavy sigh trying to avoid the speech once again. My mom gave me a smile and hug reassuring that everything would be ok. I prayed for the best because living with girls 24/7 was going to be a major challenge.


"Oh wow! This little ass school. I can't believe y'all are making me do this." I rolled my eyes as we pulled up. It was a gated school that looked strict as hell. When they said no boys my parents meant it.

We got out and unloaded the five bags i had onto a cart. I was living in Jones Hall which was a four story dorm. It was rather nice. Elevators, study rooms periodically throughout and a nice laundry room that didn't cost the students anything. I looked over to see a huge smile on both of my parents face which made me dislike them even more.

"Room 105" the RA said reading my room assignment sheet. She handed me the key and we walked in. There was already someone here, unpacked and sitting on their bed listening to music. She looked up for a slight second but went back to whatever she was doing on her phone.

"Her name is Ty. She's a sophomore and a little shy so don't mind her."

I nodded my head and ignored the bitch. My dad helped set my bed up while my mom helped me unpack my clothes. The room looked clean, like it had been swept recently. Praying this girl was a neat freak like me because I hated dirt.


Once my parents were gone I flopped on my bed and let out a heavy sigh. I was already worn out and the day wasn't over yet. I pulled my shirt over my head and exposed my red lace bra. Ty, my roommate looked up and my eyes met her's. They roamed over my body before she looked away. Was she gay? Was she checking me out?

"So are they gone? They're not coming back are they?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders not really knowing the answer. My parents were unpredictable and went by their own rules. Ty got off the bed and went to the closet that we shared. I followed her so I could find another shirt to put on, one that was more comfortable.

When I walked in she was stripped down to her sports bra and boxers. She was definitely gay and the clothes she wore earlier were more than likely a cover up. I looked her up and down wondering why such a beautiful girl would want to dress in men's clothing.

"Why are you changing?" I asked with my face scrunched up. She rolled her eyes and continued to change. She was really irking my nerves by not talking. "It's rude to not answer someone when they ask you a question." Ty looked back and laughed. "And it's rude to judge a book by its cover without reading the inside first."

Once she was done changing she brushed past me and walked back to the main area where she grabbed her phone, wallet, and keys. She didn't say whether she would be back or not, she just left. This was going to be a long ass semester dealing with all these women.

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