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I was in the bed next to Shai watching her sleep. I've been up for the past three hours just tossing and turning. Jail really messes a person's sleep pattern up. My first night there wasn't so pleasant. A 23 year old who had three weeks left until she got out was jumped, stabbed fifteen times and killed. I saw the whole thing, but for my sake I didn't say a word. I did not want to end up like her, DEAD IN JAIL!

My thoughts began to consume me and my anxiety started to take over. I was an emotional wreck. I shook Shai to wake her up but she didn't budge so I shook her harder. Her eyes blinked multiple times before she opened them for good.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her stank morning breath karate chopped me in the face. I scrunched up my nose and laughed almost forgetting that I was having an anxiety attack.

She noticed the old tear stains on the pillow case and kissed my forehead, pulling me into her chest. Shai slept naked so I instantly felt better. She smelled like warm vanilla and honey.

"Mm baby you smell good!"

She smiled with her eyes closed and wrapped her arms around me. It was only 7:30 in the morning, but being this close to her was making me horny as hell and wanted to make her scream my name. I slid my hand down and started rubbing on her pearl.

"Mmm. Uhh. Not right now" she managed to get out.

"Sshh" I said kissing her lips.

I started off slow but sped up over time. She was trying her best to be quiet, but it wasn't working. A loud moan slipped out and then another one. I stuck two fingers in her massaging on her G Spot. That sent her body into overdrive and she came all over my fingers. I licked them off and took her to the shower to clean her up.

Shai/10:30 AM

Jax had finally fallen asleep after we got out the shower so I left her alone until breakfast was ready. While I was cooking the eggs I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I smiled, knowing it was Zena. I turned around to face her and smiled.

"Good Morning Beautiful" she said and pecked my lips. "Did you talk to her yet?" I shook my head no because i truly haven't found a time to. Mario came over and gave me a one arm hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I'm leaving in a few. I have to work until closing." I nodded my head and gave him one more hug before he left.

"Breakfast will be ready in about five minutes" I announced. Z came to the rail and motioned for me to come upstairs. I rolled my eyes because I was in the middle of cooking.

"Zena can you finish the eggs please?"

She nodded and I made my way upstairs to Zion's overprotective ass. She had this serious look on her face and I didn't know why.

"Yes?" I asked annoyed. She looked at me and then down at Zena.

I let out a loud sigh. "That is none of your business" I said firmly.

She sat on the bed in the guest bedroom with Ty and Diamond by her side. They both looked like they wanted to know my relationship with Zena, but like I said that's none of their business.

"Like I said, it's none of your business. Breakfast is ready!"

I rolled my eyes and walked away from their nosey asses. No one questioned their sexual endeavors so why question mine?

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