Sick with you

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NaruSasu (NOT boyxboy) they are 16

Enjoy :3

BTW I have no soul so if this gets depressing then ..... deal with it...... K enjoy

Sakura bashing? Yes PLEASE!


little bit of SasuIno

Naruto never gets sick.... but when he does .... well he gets SICK AF. It's either he is perfectly healthy or he is sicker then you can imagine. And Naruto was sick right now.... and it was all Sasuke's fault. Sasuke had a little fever, but of coarse he came to training yesterday so when he was sparing with Naruto... Naruto got sick. And the kyuubi took full advantage of this... by inhanceing the germ instead of destroying it. It was his sick(irony), cruel way of messing with the blond. The blond's head was pounding, his throat burning, his stomach was doing backflips and he was tired. His fever was 110 degrees. According to 'that beeping thing with numbers'. Naruto did not know if this was good or bad. All he knew is he felt AWFUL!

Sasuke was not to come to training because his fever went up a little. 103 degrees and his head hurt and his throat was sore. And Kakashi just came in his room and told him to get out of bed. For what reason? The Uchiha did not know. He needed Kakashi to support him. When Kakashi had gotten to a Naruto's apartment. The Uchiha had questions but shrugged them off as he did not have the energy. Kakashi opened the front door with ease.And walked Sasuke in.

"Why are we here?" Sasuke hoarsly asked as they walked to Naruto's room. Kakashi didn't answer. he knocked on the blond's bedroom door.

Naruto jerked his head at the sound of his door. He had a head rush and put his hand to his head to support it. "what?" he hoarsly asked.

"May I come in?" Kakashi asked.

"No" Naruto said and went under his covers. Kakashi sighed and walked in with Sasuke, only to see the blond shinobi kicking his covers off. He was clutching the side of his small bed. Sweat coming off him. "What?" he asked hoarsly.

"god you look aweful. What is your temperature?" Kakashi asked bluntly.

"110 I think" Naruto said trying to crack a smile but failing as his throat throbbed. All his muscles ached.

"What? How are you even living?" Sasuke asked only to wince and fall. "Dammit why did you bring me here?" Sasuke asked.

"Well for bonding... you two are going to tough this one out together"Kakashi eye smiled. Sasuke and Naruto looked at Kakashi like he had just grown another head.

"demon" Naruto whispered only to cough.

"Your one to talk" Kakashi said bluntly Naruto looked away from Kakashi and Kakashi sighed "Well there is another reason but you'll find that out later"

"Kakashi I swear to god" Sasuke said and started having a coughing fit. Kakashi put him on Naruto's bed. But Sasuke struggled so he ended up being sprawled on Naruto's legs.

"Get off Teme.... your hot" Naruto said and winced at his throat. Sasuke gave him a questioning look. "NOT LIKE THAT" Naruto said and clutched his throat.

"Ok I finished" Kakashi said and picked up Sasuke and put him on a cot. He went to the bathroom and came out with two wash cloths and gave Naruto a worried gaze, but it quickly vanished. Kakashi gave Sasuke a towel and took out some medicine from his pouch and gave it to Sasuke and took his tempreture. "104 Sasuke not good it's going up" Kakashi said boredly Sasuke could only give a pained look. Kakashi gave his raven haired student a concerned look and turned to his other student.

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