Forgive Myself

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Takes place when Jiriya and Naruto are on their 2 year training trip or was it 3 years. Anyway, more specifically when Naruto looses control over kyuubi and goes into 4 tails state.


Jiriya wasn't one to get scared. He'd always been strong. When he would peep on the women's bathroom and be beaten he wasn't afraid to go back and try it again an hour later. He also wasn't afraid of pranking the fifth hokage, Tsunade, even if she'd absolutely demolish him. And he certainly wasn't afraid of the knuckle headed, hyperactive jinchurriki...except maybe now.

Jiriya was terrified and that very fear's source was his blonde student, in his four tailed state. 

How did it come to this was all he could think as he reflected on the day's events.


It started mid afternoon, Naruto was practicing his Rasengon with Kyuubi chakra added. They were training in what once was a field of green grass and rocks. As the day went on however, the grass had a more dead look to it, with patches of green. The rocks had been eroded if not destroyed. And there was a small orange blob breathing heavily in the middle. 

"Come on kid, is that all you've got" Jiriya mocked but despite his words he was actually impressed such a small being could do so much damage. He smirked as Naruto attempted to glare at him, he was exhausted he had started early in the morning and didn't stop until now.

'Why am I so weak? I can't even get  a Rasengon on my own, I need a clone. Bet Sasuke never needed a clone to get his chidori to work.' Naruto thought and squeezed his eyes closed. He remembered the valley of end when he was in kyuubi form and could do Rasengon with out a clone his eyes snapped open and he jumped up

 Jiriya was about to call it quits for the day until Naruto got up and started charging his chakra once again. Jiriya leaped in front  of his student. "Hey, hey I was only kidding. How 'bout you take a break, recharge your chakra?" he asked. He couldn't see Naruto's eyes but he could tell he was in intense focus, so Jiriya was meaning to back away so he wouldn't get hit but when Naruto looked up to show blood red eyes, Jiriya's heart stopped for a second.

"Hey Naruto-" Jiriya was cut off by a roar and then he had what looked like a purple black Rasengon in his hand. Jiriya backed away slowly as to not startle the child. Naruto's hair grew wilder and he charged at Jiriya Rasengon in hand but Jiriya jumped out of the way just in time and it completely obliterated the rock behind him and left a huge crater where it used to be. Naruto looked at Jiriya from his shoulder and a chakra cloak appeared around him with one tail. Jiriya backed away.

"Naruto" he called as Naruto turned and got into his fox crouching position as if he was going to attack his sensei. "Naruto! Hey get control of yourself! Are you gonna let that stupid fox win!" Jiriya called out and Naruto looked at him and growled, his temper flaring slightly and the second and third tail formed. Jiriya backed up, this was only getting worse for him and his student. 

Naruto was sensing Jiriya's fear for him and he looked at his clawed hand surrounded his red charkra. That chakra burned like the fires of hell and it was only getting worse. He looked back up at his sensei to see fear hidden by a indifferent mask. Naruto squeezed his eyes shut. He himself had his own mask of happiness, and he knew when other's did too. But this mask was made to control him.

'Dammit! Why can't I do anything right? My own sensei is afraid of me! I bet Kakashi was never afraid of Sasuke when he got a little riled up!..NO! This is not riled up! I am loosing control! Over what? At this rate...they were right I'm only just a stupid weak useless loser and-...NO I'll prove them all wrong! NO WAIT! URGH WHAT AM I EVEN THINKING ANYMORE! THIS IS SO CONFUSING!' Naruto was only riling himself up more and the fourth tail started to appear. The burning was becoming unbearable and he was so confused by his own thoughts it was overwhelming and it wasn't helping that his sensei couldn't see how much pain and confusion he was in. 

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