Some kind of hold?

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Naruto is 13, Sasuke is here. Team 7 fluffiness

Naruto has felt a lot of things through his coarse of his time with team seven. Happiness, anger, sadness, anxious, hurt, excitement. Those were more feeling he felt in one and a half years, then the first 12 years of life. Full of pain and loneliness, hatred and malice. That's all he knew before team 7. But despite that he'd find a way to distract himself and that was pranks and getting in trouble.

Right now though, Naruto was feeling annoyed. At a baby. Just an innocent little baby, that was crying like he'd just came back from hell.

Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto were on a c-ranked mission to escort the lord of fire's son to the other side of a mountain. They were currently occupying a cave in the middle of the mountain. And the echoing screams of the child were admitting off the walls.

"Sakura, can you please shut him up!" Naruto tried to ask nicely but he was getting a headache and the fox didn't enjoy the sound much either, as he was growling inside of Naruto's mind. All this noise was honestly making him feel light headed.

"Shut up Naruto! He's hungry, and we ran out of formula already. Bare with it I mean really I can bare with it and I am holding him" Sakura retorted back. Sasuke growled something under his breathe, like a threat. He was not enjoying this much either. He decided to count the cracks on the ground to keep his mind off the infant. Naruto lay down on a rock doing the same with the ceiling, but the babies cries won the contest of Naruto's attention. And worse the demon brat was getting louder.

Then Sasuke and Naruto heard a gentle melody. They turned their attention to Sakura who was singing the kid to sleep and it worked. The kid was out in 39 seconds, according to Sasuke's count. Sleeping soundly in Sakura's arms.

"Good work, Sakura" Naruto smiled his headache subsiding "he finally shut up"
Sakura walked over to the makeshift crib of jackets.

"Honestly, I wouldn't blame him, his mother died and he is with a bunch of strangers" Sakura said gently placing the child inside the crib.

Sasuke grunted he understood where she was coming from so he didn't think of it anymore.

Naruto stiffened he was reminded of when he was an orphan. He still is! He was never allowed in the orphanage for whatever reason, he had someone feed him and change him when he was a baby he supposed , but he didn't remember much. When he was three he learned to walk and speak a little and that was when he had gotten his apartment. He lived alone with random strangers coming to check on him every now and then, but what Sakura just did with the baby. Singing to him. Kissing him. Loving him. Naruto couldn't remember any of that from his memories. And he made no effort to remember, if someone cared him he would know. But the lullabies and kisses were completely foreign to him. Even when he got a nightmare, he was met with silence and darkness. No one to comfort him. No one to go to. He was alone.

Sasuke eyes wandered over to Naruto's thoughtful expression. He was looking at the baby but at the same time he wasn't. Naruto was in a daze and it barley his the pain of whatever he was thinking about. Sasuke tried to decipher what his teammate was thinking about his eyes going back and forth from Naruto to the baby in Sakura's hands. She was swaying him back and forth gently. Realization then hit him, He knew Naruto was an orphan as well, but he NEVER knew his parents. Never as in they died on the day of his birth. Sasuke had a slightly concerned look at his dazed teammate.

Naruto started to think about all the affection he's ever gotten. Sakura put the baby back in his crib. There was that time that he was congratulated with ramen for being a genin. And that other time Tsunade kissed him when he saved her. But those were earned...with hard work. It took Naruto all his effort to get even the slightest bit of praise. Yet that baby got it for just being a brat. He got more effect ion in five minutes then Naruto has gotten in his entire LIFE. Naruto knit his brows together to stop the tears that were stinging in his eyes.

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