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I have loved you for a thousand years, and I'll love you for a thousand more- A thousand years by Christina Perri

- 8 years old-

"You're it!" I screamed running up behind Logan and slapping his shoulder, hard. "OW! I wasn't ready!" Logan whined.

"Too bad you're such a sore loser!" I sassed back at him, turning my head and sticking my tongue at him cheekily and laughing loud at Logan's bright-red face.

Suddenly I fell backward. Stupid rock. I swear it wasn't there before! Logan needs to clean up his garden. I looked at my bleeding arm that I had used to stop my head from hitting to stupid floor. I know mummy told me big girls don't cry, but it really hurt and I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face.

Logan sprinted back to me with a guilty look on his face."Are you okay Lexie-bear? Where does it hurt?"

"My....arm....really hurts...." I sobbed, clutching my throbbing arm.

Logan quickly picked me up and jogged inside and laid me onto the couch. Rummaging through the draws he took out a plaster and wet cloth, carefully cleaning up my wound. A few tears leaked out of my eyes, but Logan squeezed my hand encouragingly.

"All done!" Logan said cheerfully. "Let's go raid my mum's secret stash!"

And that was the day I fell in love with my best-friend.


-16 years old-

Today's the last day of Year 11, and the day I'm going to tell my best-friend that I love him. I walk out of school slowly, preparing what I was going to say. Should I just say it now? Or when we get home? As I enter the parking lot I see Logan crowded by all the jocks and cheerleaders *Cough, sluts, cough*.

Logan's the popular kid. He has piercing blue eyes and soft brown hair, matching his perfect face. His tight shirt clung onto him, showing off his six-pack. "Hey Lexie," Logan greeted me, waving me go over to his car. All the others said their goodbyes and went off to their own cars. They didn't really like me because I was just a freak that they bullied. They can't believe that Logan is my best friend. Just because I wear glasses, have braces and am a bit chubby doesn't be I can't be just as awesome as Logan, maybe even better!

"Hey," Logan says as he hugs me. Butterflies erupted in my tummy and sparks burst everywhere he touched me. "Hi," I mumbled shyly, my face probably red as I climbed into his car. I have my own car, but we are next-door-neighbours so it makes sense if we go to school together.

"Are you alright Lexie?" Logan asks as we pull up outside my house.

"I-I-I......"I stuttered, not sure how to break it to him. I started fiddling with the hem of my shirt, and I was sweating. "You......" Logan persisted.

"L-Logan......... I have something to tell you," I started.

"Yeah?" Logan said, with concern written all over his face.

I took a deep breath. "Ireallylikeyou" I said really quickly.

"What? I can't hear you Lexie, speak slower," Logan said confused.

I looked down at my fiddling hands on lap and repeated, "I really like you Logan."

Logan looked at me with a pained expression on his face. "Alex...."

Oh no, this can't be good! Logan never calls me Alex, unless its really important. " are my bestest friend ever, and you mean the world to me but only think of you as a friend......"

I felt my heart shatter into pieces, but what did I expect? Logan would never like a freak like me! This isn't some cliche Wattpad love story! "Oh okay," I replied, not really knowing what to say.

"I forgot that my parents wanted to do something tonight, sorry I can't hang out with you today." I look up to his eyes and can instantly tell he is lying, which hurts. We never lie about things, especially small things like that.

"Sure, I'll text you later," I whispered as I stepped out of the car.

I ran into the house and into my room, slamming the door shut and cry. Cry because I have just lost my only friend. Cry because I have just been rejected by my best friend.


It's weeks since that day. He has been ignoring me completely, not answering any of my texts, calls, emails, skypes or kiks! I try to go and visit him, but his mum always he isn't at home. Liars.

All I actually do is cry.When I'm not crying, I'm at work. My mum made me get a job at the local Starbucks, so I'm not moping around at home all summer.

I'm standing the counter, daydreaming about what life would be like if Logan was with me, by my side right now. Then I hear the familiar sound of the door opening, my mind focuses on who it is, and I freeze. Logan. Logan and a beautiful blonde girl holding hands. Logan would've already known I work here, his mum would've told him.

Logan looked at me, then turned around to walk to a table, with the blonde hot on his heels. Typical Logan, going for the dumb blonde bimbo thing.

I felt tears forming in my eyes as I quickly wiped them away. "You have a customer," John, my manager, says, pointing to the table Logan was sitting at. I felt myself panic and the tears threatening to fall again.

When I reach their table, Logan leaned in and started hooking up with the blonde, and I try to stop the urge of breaking down right there. "Hi Logan," I said quietly and they break apart.

He doesn't answer but just quickly scans the menu. "I'll have a Classic hot chocolate," he says, not looking up, keeping his eyes on the blonde. "What about you, babe?"

"I'll have a Light Caramel Frappuccino," she says. I stare at Logan, wondering if he was going to look up, then sighed and turned away.

"Who was that?" I heard the blonde ask Logan.

"No idea, just some freak that thinks she knows me," Logan replied, and I felt my heart break again. I ran into the toilets, fell to the ground and cry. How could be so mean? After so many years, how could he say that? Were those 16 years just nothing to him now? Am I really just nothing to him now?

I can't stay here anymore. I'm moving to live with my grandparents in California. I can't bear to see him anymore, to see his face everyday, but not allowed to talk to him. California, here I come!

A/N Who should play Logan and who should play Lexie?

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