Chapter 1: Hopping off the plane at LAX

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Chapter 1: Hopping off the plane at LAX

Lexie's POV

I hopped of the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan. Damn, why am I singing Miley Cyrus, you may ask? Well I don't know either, so don't ask. Yeah, I'm back in LA, but not by choice. My grandparents decided they wanted to travel around the world,'something they wanted to do for a long time' that they had never ever bought up, as they 'weren't getting any younger', which I can totally understand.

And I and nervous be back in LA. Scratch that, when my grandparents told me, I nearly peed myself laughing at this 'Oh SO funny joke'...... that isn't even a joke! Which totally scared the shit out of me.

Though, I'm not the old Lexie anymore. I lost all the baby fat (I was a cheerleader back at Cali), ditched the braces and got contact lenses. And got rid those baggy 'disgusting' (but extremely comfortable) clothes. I was in the 'Popular Gang' back at California, had loads of friends, and even a few boyfriends(no, I did not sleep with them) and I'm missing my best friends Amber and Charlie (who is gay, which is awesome), but they can never replace Logan.

Ew. Logan. He's the reason I'm scared to be back. I promised myself that I would stay away from him.

"My baby girl!" I heard an extremely familiar voice say. I turned around to see my mother and father sprinting up to me. Mum pulled me into a tight hug, clutching onto me for dear life, my father just standing there awkwardly, wondering if he should join in the group hug.

"I missed you so much!" Mum whispered into my hair. That made me feel really bad. I hadn't come and visit for the whole year, because I was scared I would bump into Logan. Which would not be good. "I miss you too Momma G!"

Then she let me go, and my dad pulled me into another warm embrace. "Hey daddy," I grinned, like a fool.

"Hey baby girl," my dad cooed into my ear, pecking my forehead then released me.

"Where's Aaron?" I asked confusedly. It's not like my brother to miss seeing me after one whole year. Nu uh. Nope.

"Packing his bags. He's off to college tomorrow, and still hasn't packed," my mother scolded.

I laughed. Typical Aaron, leaving things for last minute.

As we walked to the car, my mum looked at me head to toe, then to head again. Stalker much? "What is it mum?" I asked, getting embarrassed under her stare.

"You look so different!" Mum gushed. "So beautiful. My baby girl looks like a princess." My mum sniffed.

"Mmuummm!" I whined, blushing a little.

Mum laughed (evil woman). "Oh shoosh you, hop into the car," she grinned.

"Yes mum!" I saluted, marched into the car, leaving my father rolling on the floor laughing, literally.


As we pulled up to our mansion, which hasn't changed the slightest, I heard a loud BANG and a figure running out. "Lexie-bear!" Aaron yelled lifting me up in his arms.

"Aa-Aaron......can't...breath....." I choked.

Then he puts me down. "I missed you so much," he smiled, then looked at me like mum did, only he made it look pervy.

"You look different," he comments. Like I haven't been told that already.

"Aw, you're growing soft Az," I teased.

"No I'm not," he blushed.

"Aaron's going soft! Aaron's going soft!" I sang quietly under my breath, but loud enough for Aaron to hear me, but he decided to ignore. Rude child.

When we sat in the living room, we talked about life in California, and Aaron going off to college.

"Logan still lives door, you know. You should go and visit him. He's turned into quite a handsome young man," my mum said, giggling at the last part.

"Er, yeahh," I said. I hadn't told anyone about me and Logan. If I did, Aaron would probably beat up Logan, as Aaron was Football Captain, and quarterback.

Not feeling like talking anymore, I faked a yawn. "I'm going to bed now. Aeroplanes aren't the best places to sleep in."

Dad chuckled. "Yeah, you should go to bed now. We'll wake you up for dinner."

I walked upstairs to my old room, and as I opened the door I gasped. Mum must have redecorated my room. Before it used to be pink and girly, now? My room was painted a cream white, with a king sized bed, my walk-in wardrobe stuffed with my new clothes, a large TV, and a cream coloured sofa. I loved it, it had a fabulous elegant and classic edge to it.

"Do you like it?" mum asked, standing by the door.

"Are you kidding? I LOVE it !" I squealed, giving my mum a massive hug. "Thank you SO much!"

"You're welcome darling. You should get some sleep now, if you want to see Aaron off to college tomorrow."

As mum walked back into the living room, I showered and changed into a large T-shirt and shorts, then drifted to sleep.


Logan's POV

As I walk back home from my run, I see the Edwards' car pull up next door. I duck and hid behind the fence, not wanting them to see me. Yeah, I'm a coward. It's my fault Lexie, my bestfriend, left. Well, my ex-bestfriend.

I jumped as Aaron, Lexie's brother, slammed his mansion door shut and wrapped his arms around a girl who stepped out of the car.

This girl Just wow. Her golden tan matched perfectly with her ombre hair that reached mid-back, endless long legs, perfect model figure. She puts all the girls I've .......slept with to shame. But those eyes. But those bright blue eyes are just so familiar. I know whose it is, but I just can't put my finger on it.

Before the Edwards see me, I quickly rush inside.

"Is that you Logan?" my mum asked.

"No I'm a burglar that just decided to rob you in the middle of the day and just so happen to have keys to your house" I replied sarcastically, grabbing an apple.

"Guess who's back?" she beamed.

"No idea," I said carelessly.

"Lexie!" she squealed excitedly. I nearly dropped the apple I was eating.

She can't be Lexie. But she is Lexie. No wonder those eyes were so familiar. That beautiful girl is Lexie Edwards.


A/N Whatcha think? And who should play Lexie? I've got Logan as Logan Lerman, unless anyone else has any better ideas (no offence Rosie!).



Karen x

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