Chapter 6: Revenge (Part 2)

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Chapter 6: Revenge (Continued):

Same song as last chapter.

Lexie's POV

I looked into mirror and smoothed out the outfit I was wearing for me and Dean's "date".

He told me just to go casual, as we were just going to hang out ALL BY OURSELVES. Glaring at Evie and Megan, as they wanted me to go slutty... shuddering.

I chose a Peter Pan collar top with, black jeggings, black crop blazer with black ankle boots. And a beanie. Can't forget the beanie.

I added a bracelet and a necklace to make my outfit look more complete, glanced back in the mirror, deciding I looked fine and ran to the door as I heard Dean ringing the door bell.

"You ready?" He asked me as I grabbed my black clutch.

"Yep," I replied, hopping into his car.


"Can I PLEASE KNOW WHERE WE ARE GOING NOW??" I begged for literally the hundredth time, it's not even funny.

"Nope," Dean replied. "But we're nearly there!"

As we got closer, I started to recognise the place as the town square."

"Sooo... where we going? Bowling? Cinema? Shopping?" I pushed.

Dean smirked. "I'm not telling you!" He replied in a sing-song voice.

I groaned. "WE'RE HERE!" Dean suddenly yelled. I sighed, then opened the car door. 

"Lexieee!" Dean whined.


"I was meant to open the door!" He pouted, then ducked his head shyly. "I mean, you can open the door if you want," he mumbled, walking off to pay for the parking ticket.

I chuckled at Dean's childish behaviour and jogged after him.


"Oooh, what's this?" I asked as Dean pushed open the door to a cosy-looking little cafe.

"Er-" Dean started, but then got cut off.

"Dean! Oh my days, I haven't seen you in ages! How's my little munchkin doing hmm?" a middle-aged woman went up to Dean and said, pinching his cheeks, which were turning into a light shade of pink.

"Gerroff Aunt Becky!" Dean said, his voice muffled and his hands trying to swat "Aunt Becky's" away.

After a while, she finally let go, and stepped away. "And who's this beautiful young lady here?" She asked.

"Aunt Becky, this is Lexie Edwards. Lexie, this is Aunt Becky."

"Hello dearie!" She said cheerfully. Then she frowned, as if she remembered something.

Then she gasped, and said, " Oh my, I remember you! You used come here with your brother, Adam? Or was it Abe?"

"Er, it's-" I started.

"I KNOW! It must be Adrian!" she said. "No, it was Alan! No, no, no what am I thinking, it MUST be Aiden!"

"Actually, it's Aaron," I said awkwardly.

She opened her mouth, then closed it. Then she slowly nodded her and said, "Ah. I knew that. Yeah, I SO knew that. Of course I knew that. It just... slipped out of my mind for a second. But I SO knew that."

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