Chapter 4: The "New" Chick

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Chapter 4: The "New" Chick

"People stop to turn and stare, everywhere she goes. Dollar signs and crimson hair, she will steal your soul." Juiliet by Lawson. (A/N I know Lexie's hair is ombre, so just pretend that is says ombre! If you haven't heard this song before, listen to it, it's really good! I put it on the side!)

Lexie's POV

"GET YO LAZY FATASS UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!" My alarm clocked yelled at me. Okay, not literally, but yeah...

I glanced at my alarm clock. 7:00am. One and a half hours to get ready for school.

As I got up I heard a knock on my door and my door slowly open. I slid my glasses on and took a proper look.

"HETTY!" I yelled, tackling her into a hug. Hetty used to be my nanny, but then I got too old for one, so she's now our house-keeper. She's the best nanny ever, and was like a second-mother to me, as my mom wasn't home very often.

"Heyy Lexie, oh my gosh you have grown so much! And I love that hair!" She gushes.

"Thanks Hetty," I said blushed.

Hetty smiled fondly and and told me to go and have a shower, then go downstairs for breakfast and tell me all about California. Where there any cute boys?" She asked, winking at me.

I burst out laughing at her and she just grinned at me and left my room.

I took a shower (NO I WILL NOT GIVE YOU THE DETAILS YOU PERVERTS!) and stepped out feeling refreshed.

Hmm, what to wear. I stood in my walk-in-wardrobe for a good 5 minutes, before deciding to wear a floral crop top paired with ripped jean shorts and put on my Vans. I decided to wear my contacts today, then grabbed a pair of sunglasses to complete the look. (A/N Outfit in the side ----->)

Hetty and Maggie, our chef, were already downstairs waiting for me so we could eat breakfast together, and I told them about Cali, cute boys and my best friends Amber and Charlie. Who I also need to Skype, or I will be in a LOT of trouble with.

As I finished, I grabbed my bag and hopped into my new car that my parents bought for me, and drove to school. Although I love the feeling of driving a new car, I can't get rid of the nervous feeling and the thoughts swirling around in my head.

As I pull up, everybody turns around to see who this "new" chick is. I look up and see Logan surrounded by Emma, her bimbo friends and the jock.



Logan's POV

As I saw the new car pull up, I immediately knew it was Lexie. It was her dream car, she used to always talk about it. The car was beautiful, but nothing compared to the beauty sitting inside.

Everybody was staring as Lexie slowly got out her car, like in movies. All the girls were giving her the evil look, and dudes were looking at her with lust-filled eyes. Not good.

"Woah, that chick's hot," whistled Max, one of the guys from the football team. All the jocks are players so...

"Hell yeah, and look at that car," Dean, my best-mate said in awe.

"Bro, I'm gonna tap that girl in that car," Max smirked.

That really pissed me off, but if I say anything, Dean and Max will be like "What the fuck?" and Emma will be beyond pissed.

The other day, when we saw Lexie and got back home, Emma kept ranting on how just because Lexie looks different doesn't mean that she has changed and how she is still a loser. Which pissed me off, because she obviously forgot that Lexie is my best-friend. Well, was my best friend. But Emma made it up to me, if you know what I mean.

"Dude, I swear I know her! She looks real familiar," Dean said, staring at Lexie, as she walked into the school building, her head held high with so much confidence. Lexie has changed so much, the old Lexie would was so shy and insecure, trying to hide in to shadows and trying to be invisible.

But what she was wearing was making me go wild. Those shorts made her toned legs look so long, and her crop top showed off her tanned, toned stomach. Her hair was let down and ran down behind her back, framing her face beautifully, which had barely any make-up on.

"That Lexie Edwards. You know, the freaky, fat, nerdy..." Emma started but caught me glaring at her and corrected herself. "Err, Logan's best friend."

Lexie must have heard her name, because her head whipped around and her beautiful face turned into a scowl and she glared at me.

"LEXIE EDWARDS! WHAT THE FUCK? The nerd that left a year ago? The one that wore braces and glasses?" Max yelled, not believing a word of it.

"Bro, she doesn't look like she's your best friend, judging by the look she just gave you," Dean said chuckling, and smacking my shoulder. But then he frowned and said, " Did something happen between you guys or something? You guys use to always hang out, and you would ditch us for her, then after year 11, you guys just stopped hanging out and you hung out with us more and got wasted and banging more chicks." He said observantly.

I shrugged, but inside I was panicking. Was it really that obvious? Then I hung my head in shame, remembering why we stopped hanging out. If we had talked about it, Lexie might not ever had left. We could have talked about how I only liked her as a friend, but I was a fucking scared prick and rejected her. She must've been so scared when she told me she liked me! Damn, I know I'm going to regret rejecting her, now she's back...


Lexie's POV

"...Logan's best friend," I heard Emma say to these two jocks who were staring at me.

I whipped my head around to turn and glare at Logan. I AM NOT HIS FUCKING BEST FRIEND. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK BRAIN BITCH.

I turned back around and carried on walking into the school. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, all the girls glaring and gossiping about me already, and all the guys talking about how "hot" the "new kid" is. I can't wait to see their face when I tell them it's only me.

When I arrived in the main office, I see a familiar, brown-haired, young woman at the desk.

"Hi Kate," I said. She looked up from the computer and smiled. "Hi honey, you must be new here, what's your name?"

I know I look different, but I thought at least SOMEONE would know me...

"Err... Kate... it's me Alexandra? Lexie Edwards?" I offered.

"Oh my gosh Lexie!" Kate gasped. "You look so different! I mean, I knew you were coming back, I saw your transfer papers, but heck! You look so different, really gorgeous!" She gushed.

"I... er... thanks?" I said, not really knowing what to say.

"Your form room is D15 (A/N That is my actually form room! Please don't stalk me!), and your timetable will be given to you in form time. You remember the way around, don't you?"

"Yup," I said, popping the "p". "Thanks Kate."

"No problem. Have a nice day," She said, going back to the computer.

As I head to my form room, I heard I heard the bell ring. Shit, late on the first day! At least I can have a dramatic entrance.

When I arrived at the classroom I knocked and walked in. And guess who I have to sit next to? Logan! Stupid teacher. Shit.

My day just keeps on getting better and better.


A/N WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO! NEW UPDATE! I'm going to try and update every Tuesday.



Karen x

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