Chapter 5: Bitch Please

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Chapter 5: Bitch Please

"Go now, here's my middle finger." R U Crazy by Conor Maynard.

Lexie's POV

As the bell rang, I ran out of the classroom, I ran out. I couldn't concentrate all for all of PSHE, I just felt people staring at me. Especially Logan. If his eyes were lasers, I would have died ages ago.

I looked down at my schedule I was holding and groaned.

REGISTRATION-Miss Connellan: D15

FORM TIME- Miss Connellan: D15

PSHE-Miss Connellan: D15

History-Mr Reed: D11


Science-Miss Harold: LAB A07

PE-Miss Mellor: GYM2


French-Madame Alfonsi: C05

Music-Miss Staton: D13


Being a nerd, I aced these all anyway, so I looked forward to this!


Mr Reed is not my favourite teacher. At all. He is rude, short, mean and fat. Like Vernon Dursley in Harry Potter.

I have no idea how Mr Reed has a wife. She probably Petunia in Harry Potter. Mr Reed probably has a kid that looks like Dudley too.

Although, I have no idea how his wife puts up with his stinky breath and disgusting habits. Poor them. And his favourite hobby is humiliating people. In front of the whole class. So you really don't want to be late.

As I walked in, I glanced at the time and realised that I was quite early. I looked around, deciding where I would sit. Not the first row, nobody would want Mr Reed's smelly breath. The middle row was already packed with the "average" people, and the only people that sit at the back are the "popular" people. Having no choice, I walked over to the back, sitting right in the corner.


"BRRRRRRRRRRRRINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!" The bell said loudly. Everybody filed out of the room chatting, while I ran out. I walked slowly to my locker to get books for my next lesson. Everybody watched and whispered about me while I passed.

"That's Lexie Edwards, the nerd that moved away."

"Wasn't she Logan's best-friend. Like THE Logan Evans?"

"Dude, she's no nerd, that chick's DAMN sexy."

"Ew, what, she isn't even pretty!"

Yeah, everybody knows who I am now. Word gets around quickly, especially here. And especially if you're new, we don't get many new people here.

As I walked up to my locker, I saw Logan with Emma clinging onto him, Dean, Max and two of Emma's bimbo buddies.

I quickly opened my locker and hiding my face, praying that they wouldn't see me.

As I closed my locker, I heard a loud crash. Books went flying and I heard a loud cry.

"Watch where you're going bitch," a voice sneered, unmistakably Emma's voice. I heard laughing, and they were all laughing at a girl on the floor, except for Dean, who looked at her sympathetically.

But what pissed me off the most was that Logan was laughing too. That girl used to be me... he probably laughed at me too.

I slammed my locker shut loudly, and everybody turned to stare at me. I sauntered over and helped the poor girl. When Logan saw me. he stopped laughing. I glared at him, then knelt down to help the girl up. She was beautiful ocean blue eyes hidden behind her thick-rimmed glasses, paired with golden hair which was tied up in a ponytail. Although she had clothes that looked like they could be her grandma's, she was really pretty.

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