Simple Situation

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Hakyeon's POV

We're into our second week of promotions and we are very very exhausted, busy running from music shows to fansigns to interviews. Not enough sleep, no proper meals and we spent most of our time in the car and the practice room.

It's midweek and we just got done with a music show, we headed back to Jellyfish Ent for practice. As soon as we entered the practice room, everyone was doing their own thing but Wonshik was nowhere to be found.

As expected, he was in his studio. I knocked and entered quietly then sat next to him, "Are you okay? I've been wanting to ask you that but I didn't had the time to." He just stared at his computer screen and did whatever he was doing before I came in. I was worried about him because he wasn't being his usual self ever since we started our promotions.

"Don't keep things to yourself Wonshik ah..."

"So you all can keep things among yourselves but I can't do that? Funny isn't it." I was taken aback by what he said. "What do you mean?"

"I'm pretty sure you've approached Sanghyuk or Hongbin about their recent behaviour. You should know something about what's going on right?" He didn't even turn to look at me. I didn't know what to say to him. "Look Wonshik, I'm not in the position to explain the whole thing to you-"

"If you're not here to explain the whole thing, then don't ask me whether I'm okay. I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone for now." He stood up and left his studio. I left right after him and went to the cafe nearby. Sent Taekwoon a text, told him to meet me asap.

Your POV

Been going around meeting different producers, music engineers and songwriters. It's been a busy month for me ever since I arrived here. Busy settling all my work stuff and adapting to the rather slow paced life here.

It's a beautiful weekend and I finally found time to sit at the balcony with a cup of tea, just relaxing and enoying the afternoon breeze. I've been trying to call my brother but he didn't answer any of my calls, he didn't even leave me any texts. I tried calling him again but to no avail.

"Jiwon ah! How are you? Did you receive the box of goods I sent you? How's everything there? Taeil's mum called me last week."

"I'm doing great mum. Yup, just received them. I guess I don't have to call you often since Aunty Lee will call you before I do."

"She said you've been really busy and is rarely home... Make sure you don't skip meals and Taeil is there to help you out with anything okay?"

"Yeah, I had loads of stuff to settle. I won't skip meals and don't worry, I only ask for help when I really need them."

"Have you called your brother?"

"Well... That was what I wanted to ask you. I've been trying to call him the past week but he never answered any of my calls or leave me text telling me what he's up to. Did he called you?"

"He did, a couple of days ago, just to check on me. He doesn't sound okay though. Keep trying till you get him okay? You take care there and call us often, we're worried for you."

"I will mum, alright, take care! Love you!" After I ended the call with my mum, I scrolled through my contacts to see if I could call anyone that's close to him to find out more. I don't have any of his member's contact number, except for Sanghyuk.

I stared at his number for a good 5 minutes, thinking whether I should call him or not.

Sanghyuk's POV

I stayed in the practice room all day, trying to get things off my mind. Screaming doesn't work anymore. I stood in front of the mirror and just took a good look at myself till Hakyeon hyung walked in. "Sanghyuk ah... We need to talk."

"If it's going to be about the Jiwon situation, I'm not gonna talk. I have nothing to say."

"Look, I know you have a lot on your mind about this whole thing. Just help me-"

"I SAID I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT! Which part of that do you not understand?!"

"HAN SANGHYUK! I've had enough of this! It's exhausting enough to run around to our schedules and now I have to deal with this whole situation because you and Hongbin don't bother about it!" He stomped out as Taekwoon hyung was about to walk in.

I just dropped myself to the floor and leaned against the mirror. "I know you're not going to tell me anything so I'm just here to tell you that... It's better if you tell Wonshik about the whole thing yourself. It's a pain to watch all of us being so affected by your personal conflict with Hongbin. Do it for the team."

"And then get cursed at by Wonshik hyung?"

"Would you rather get cursed at once or be affected for a longer period till the next few comebacks? Are you comfortable in this situation right now?"

I sighed and covered my face. Taekwoon hyung patted my shoulder and went off. I'm not comfortable in this situation, nobody is but I just can't find the courage to do anything at all. I thought letting Jiwon go would solve the problem... But it only made things worse.

I went back to the dorm, since everyone was busy with their own schedules, nobody was home. I packed my lugagge and left for the airport. "Sanghyuk ah, are you sure you want to do this?" manager hyung asked me as he drove me to the airport. "I have to." I got off the car and passed manager hyung a letter, "give this to Hongbin hyung. I'll text you before I fly back here."

How did things turn out to be so difficult when I tried to make it so simple?

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