The Right Choice

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Your POV 

The next morning, I ate my breakfast at a slow pace then left for Jellyfish Ent after that. I told my brother that I will settle the whole thing since it started because of me. He was doubtful at first and really wanted me to stay out of it, but I managed to convince him. 

I got there way before the boys did. I prepared hot honey tea and croissants for each of them, all placed nicely on the meeting room table. I sat and played with my phone till I heard voices of them arguing. Hakyeon oppa's voice was the loudest, "WHO GAVE YOU THE PERMISSION TO LEAVE?! DO YOU KNOW WE HAD TO POSTPONE A FEW PHOTOSHOOTS BECAUSE OF YOU?!?!?!" He opened the door with so much force, only to find me sitting there, facing him. 

He was flustered. "Oh Jiwon? Why are you here?" he asked, still standing at the doorway, blocking the others. "I'm here to talk to all of you. Come on in." They all took their seats and I looked at all of them. I was somewhat nervous, especially when I looked over at Hongbin oppa. He couldn't even lift his head to look at me. 

"Firstly, I want to apologise for the whole mess I've created unintentionally and unknowingly. I only got to know about it when Sanghyuk came all the way to L.A to find me, so I hope you won't get mad at him for this." 

"Jiwon ah, it's not your fault," Hakyeon oppa being a mum, as usual. "it's Hongbin's and Sanghyuk's, let them get over it themselves." 

"I know it's majority their fault but I have to apologise for I am the cause of this whole mess. I'll talk to both of them seperately now. Please enjoy your tea while it's hot, the croissant too!" My brother stayed surprisingly quiet. The hyungs left and I chose to speak to Hongbin oppa first. 

"Hey, I know I've been a jerk for avoiding you. I heard all about it and I'm sorry for making you think that way. Honestly, you're just an eye candy to me. I get shy whenever I see you and I can't seem to pull my words together, which is why I avoid you." I started and Hongbin finally lifted up his head to look at me directly. 

"Oh... But Dongjae ever told me about you having a crush on me..." 

"Ahhh that, yeah I did kinda had a little crush on you for awhile." 

"Till now?" 

As much as I didn't want to answer him, I have to. I mean... I know he'll be heartbroken and all but... He should respect my feelings right? I did had a crush on him for a short while and then he was just an eye candy (which I'm too shy to approach) plus I didn't really know him because my brother hated the idea of me getting close to his members. 

"I'm really sorry and I don't mean to hurt your feelings but, no. It was just a short while way back then." I was nervous while I waited for him to reply. He gave me a faint smile and told me, "well, there's nothing much I can do right? I'm thankful enough that you want to talk to me today." 

"No worries, I foresee that we will be talking a lot more in the future. But you know how strict my brother is right?" I smiled at him and he just nodded sheepishly. 

Sanghyuk's POV

I was pacing up and down the corridor outside the meeting room. The moment I saw the door knob turn, I quickly stood at one side and folded my arms, like as if I've been in that position for as long as they were talking. 

Hongbin walked out and didn't even looked at me or tell me anything at all. He just closed the door behind him and walked away. I knocked and entered, feeling really nervous. "You've been doing a lot haven't you?" was the first thing she asked me. "Heh heh heh," was all I could answer along with a playful smile. 

She listed down the things I did from telling her big secret to her brother, to quarreling over her with Hongbin hyung, letting go of her for the sake of Hongbin hyung, flying all the way to L.A for her and all the small little things. Her tone when she was telling me all that was like as if she was so mad she would just pounce onto me like a lion and bite my head off. 

"I'm really really thankful that you're always there for me. I have to admit you did a really jerk move on graduation day though." she pouted. I walked over to her and gave her a hug, "I'm very sorry about it. Honestly, it was hard for me to walk away on that day. But I felt like I had no other choice. I'm sorry..." 

She looked up at me and gave me that smile which I miss so so dearly and told me, "anyways, you know we can start over right? I mean... We can progress slowly from where we are now." I gave her a blank face and was still processing what she told me. "What do you mean by that?" 

A familiar voice came around and we automatically let go of each other. "She means that she's choosing you, you idiot." I was so scared he might beat me up, I just stayed quiet there, still processing whether all this is real. He came and put his arm around my shoulder, "and you better take extra good care of her. If I see her being all depressed and whatnot, you watch out." His fierce face mode was on and I dare not say anything so I just nodded while Jiwon was giggling at me. 

Wonshik's POV 

I stood behind the door and waited impatiently for Jiwon's decision. Deep down I was really hoping she'll draw a line between her and the both of them so that nobody gets emotionally hurt. Then I heard her telling Sanghyuk that they could start over and slowly progress from where they are now. 

I let out a deep sigh and told myself that it's time to give her space to experience anything she wants to. Be it producing, living alone halfway across the globe or being in a relationship. After Sanghyuk responded to her, I slowly opened the door and "explained" what Jiwon said to him earlier. 

Honestly, I am happy and unhapy that she chose someone whom I actually know very well and am very close to. Well... At least it's someone I can keep an eye on, so I guess it'll be fine. Right? After I spoke a little to Sanghyuk, I went over to Jiwon. I haven't seen her smile so brightly in a very long time (a little dissapointed/jealous that she's smiling that brightly because of Sanghyuk and not me. haha.) 

"So, do you think you've made the right choice?" I asked her seriously as we ate the croissants she bought. "I'm pretty sure I made a great choice. I mean, he's someone who knows me inside out and you probably don't know this but, he's the one who does your "protecting" job whenever you're not around. Don't worry okay? He's a great guy, I promise." she gave me a hug and then we both headed to the practice room to meet the others. 

Your POV 

I had to fly back to L.A to complete my studies after the whole messy situation was done. Sanghyuk and I took turns to fly to where either one of us are at, to spend time with each other. It was kinda difficult at first, but we managed to learn how to match our schedules. 

After my 3 years in L.A, I came back to Seoul for good and with the help of my brother, I managed to get a job at Jellyfish Ent. as one of their music producers. I was so happy that I managed to achieve my goals of working with my brother. I didn't only produce songs for VIXX but also for the other idols in the company. 

Wonshik oppa started to slowly accept my relationship with Sanghyuk and everything went well. Hongbin oppa and I got closer and we catch up all the time whenever I bump into him at the company building or in the recording studio. 

There were ups and downs througout my journey with Sanghyuk, but I'm really glad that at the end of the day, we'll always find our way back to each other (although we once quarreled and didn't talk to each other for almost a week and Wonshik oppa got so so so so worried, he even set up a date for us but we didn't turn up ㅋㅋㅋ)  

Would things end up the same way if I chose Hongbin oppa instead of Sanghyuk? 

Well... That's for you to imagine. 

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