Everything Happens for a Reason!

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"It has been long, isn't it? How have you been?"

"Yes, it has been a while."

"What brings you here?... What am I asking, obviously you are here to eat.. So look, there is something I need to talk to you about..."

He looked hopefully at me, as if he was asking for permission. This wasn't the usual Amit, he seemed different, his words and actions lacked the confidence that used to be there.

He continued when he realised I wouldn't say anything.

"I am sorry Kavya, I know I have told this many times, but I truly mean it. I realised a long time ago that I was wrong. Everything I did to you was wrong. I shouldn't have taken out my anger on you. We were both going through the same pain and I was inconsiderate about your feelings. I shouldn't have done what I did."

He shouldn't have, and it was good he realised it, but I didn't like the way he was heading.

"I love you Kavya, even though I wandered off for a while, it was always you. Please take me back Kavya, give me a second chance."

That was what I was dreading.

"Thank you Amit for saying all that. I am glad you realised your mistake. But, I cannot give you a second chance. We are way past that in our relationship, in what we had."

"But Kavya, remember all the good times we had together. We owe that to Rishi, don't we?"

"Maybe, but that should have been a year back. After all this time you cannot barge into my life like this and say these things. I have moved on and believe it or not, I am happy now."

"You cannot be, we belong together Kavya."

"No we don't."

"Why are you doing this, we both deserve to be happy."

Why doesn't he understand? I am happy in my life and that I have found someone else. And, why isn't Gaurav coming?

"We do, but our happiness isn't with each other."

"What do you mean, you haven't found someone else, have you?"

"She has." I heard Gaurav say from behind me.


"Yes Mr. Mehra, I am sorry to disappoint you, but it would be better if you wouldn't bother Kavya. She seems to be disturbed by your company."

"The two of you are together?" Amit asked, not bothering to respond to Gaurav.

"Yes Amit, we are. As I have told you earlier, I have moved on and it would be better if you did too." I said.

"In that case, I wish you the best Kavya. Again, I am really sorry for what I did to you."

"Everything happens for a reason Amit, that was destined to happen and so it did. There is no point in blaming someone."

"Okay then, I wouldn't be bothering you anymore, have a nice life."

"You too."

Gaurav didn't say anything about that after Amit left. The waiter served lunch soon and we were glad since that reduced the awkwardness. We talked about our likes, dislikes, childhood anything and everything.

"I had a really good time today." He said as we entered the car.

"Me too."

"So, should I drop you home?" I checked my watch to see it was three thirty. Lunch did do longer than planned.

"What about my car?"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"We cannot let others know yet."

"I know, but no one would notice if we go in early."


"And you can tell your family today if you want, I'll probably be telling Rahul."


As I entered my house, I saw my sister in law standing in front of me with her usual questioning look.

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