A new chapter and lots of hope

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"I am moving to Italy." I told Meera as I helped her with the dishes after dinner. When she just nodded in response, I continued.

"I told you about applying to various colleges remember. I got through to a special programme in a university there."

I saw her eyes water as she put away the plates she had washed before hugging me.

"I am so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world." I was grateful to her for giving me a place to stay and helping me reinvent myself.

"When do you have to go?"

"The classes start in the mid-week of September. So, I have less than a month left. But, since I don't have much things to wrap up here, I should be fine.

"And what about the people you left back in Mumbai? Are you going to at least talk to Karthik? It has been three months you asked him to stay away and he respected your wishes. But, I am sure he is waiting to hear from you."

I let that comment sink in. she had a point. Karthik has always supported me through everything. This wouldn't be any different. I would be putting him in a tough spot where he would have to hide things from his friends. This self-imposed exile of mine was keeping me away from my niece as well. It was time I got back in touch with them.

I dialled Karthik's number form my new phone. I heard him greet me from the other end of the line. I couldn't gather the courage to greet him back.

"Hello." He repeated and I stayed silent.

"Kavya, is that you?" I heard him say and I couldn't stay silent anymore.

"Bhai..." I didn't realize when I had started crying.

"Kavya, how are you? Where are you? Are you okay? You are okay, aren't you?... Gunjan... its Kavya.. Kavya, please say something. Are you still on the line?"

I could understand the emotions he was going through. I understood what I did was unfair to him. He had consented to my wishes and stayed away. But, hearing him on the other end made me realize it was not easy for him to do what I wanted him to.

"I am sorry bhai for disappearing. I am doing well, I am in Pune with Meera. I had to run away that night and I just followed my instincts. I should have stopped and thought about you guys."

"It is okay Kavya. You did what you wanted to do and you know I would support you in anything you want to do."

"Bhai, I got accepted to a university in Italy. I am going to take art classes. I have to go next month."

"Kavya, I am telling you again, I would support you through all your decisions. If you think this move is a step in the right direction, then I am with you."

"Thank you bhai. This is what I want."

"Can we see you before you go?" He asked and I knew he was dreading the answer no.

"I want to bhai. My flight is on the 17th next month, from Delhi."

"Would you be willing to go stay with Gunjan's parents? We could meet you there." He said and I understood the motive behind that. He hated lying and if I was with Gunjan's parents, he could tell his friends – specifically Rahul and Sneha – that they are going to Delhi to meet the family.

"I have no issues with that bhai. I will let you know when I would be able to be there. Tell me, how are things there? How is everyone?"

"You mean Gaurav?" he asked and I did not correct him. In fact, I did not say anything. So he continued speaking.

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