Modern Love (captain america Love story)

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Name: Bethany Hyland

Superhero/ nickname: Auzzie

Powers: fly, water (control water, and the temperature of water), telekinesis

Age: 24

Siblings: 2 younger sisters, 1 older brother

Favourite colour: Blue


Hi my name is Beth but people call me Auzzie because well I am Australian so are my sisters and brother but it stuck because I have a lot of Australian things. Anyway I take care of my 2 little sisters, Alex and Becky. My older brother went to war and is a solider. Which is cool expect the fact that Alex hates listening to anything I say and she gets in so much trouble. I enjoy flying. I am more experienced with flying, I don’t EVER crash which is pretty cool. :)

I don't own any of the avengers I only own the characters i made and my ideas but thats it

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