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Auzzie P.O.V

"I'm not helping" I told Alex. "Oh come on you will and I may need help" Alex told me. "This is going to be bad" "don't care and if it goes wrong you can say I told you so" well I had to agree to that I love saying I told you so to my little sister. Being the oldest girl sucks I always have to look out for them. “I wanna help" Becky said. "Coolies the more the merrier done it's all hacked " "not absolutely not, she is not coming ok just you and me Alex" "grr fine. Let’s go". As we got in the car to go I kept thinking this is a horrible idea. I had the same question keep going through my head over and over again. "Are you going to murder him" I asked while looking between her and the road. She was silent for a long time, I know my sisters not a murderer but she is still pretty angry.  "No" she replied way to serious she turned to me with a smile saying "just scare the hell out of him". I couldn't help but laugh at that.

---------------------------Skip car ride, Alexis is now in stark tower-----------

Alex's P.O.V

I was going up the elevator of stark tower. It was so easy to hack into JARVIS. I made sure I had my mask and outfit on so he couldn't me. As I was going up I disabled JARVIS so he couldn't get help. When I walked in I realized this was the lounge room I looked around the room and I could hear someone that was about to come out of the room right next to me. As he came out of the arch way I watched him walk across the room

I followed him silently and pushed up against the wall across from the elevator. "Hello?" tony stark asked me. "Hi" I replied while I put my foot against his neck holding him in place. I never noticed how brown his eyes where and how much they reminded me of chocolate and he was actually really hot …. No I can't think like that I just need to scare him. "So um do you need something or is this the way you say hi to people" Tony said. "Oh no this is because you’re the reason I have no parents, you’re the reason my parents are dead, it’s all you fault." I didn't realize that my voice was rising as I was saying this and I was pushing harder into is neck with my foot. I pulled off my foot lightly so he could still breathe. I pulled out my gun (I was not going to shoot him it has no ammo) as I pulled it out his eyes went wide and that was when we heard the elevator ding (crap!!) I looked back at tony and notice he had bracelet cuffs on when I turned around and looked at the elevator I saw the rest of the avengers. I could see how wrong this would look I had a gun and tony was behind me but I wasn't going to kill him. Suddenly arms came around my waist. After that I realized I didn't have tony pined but he had me pinned. So I throw my gun at the window and it shattered (I put a lot of force into that) I slipped out of Tony’s arms ran and jumped out the window falling. I pressed my ear piece "Auzzie need help" "what are you doing your moving really fast" "oh you know causally falling from a window" I said with so much sarcasm. I hear d a noise behind me so I turned around and saw Iron man coming after me. "I see ya" Auzzie said. Then I felt an impact in my side and we went tumbling when I realized it was Auzzie I turned us invisible. Auzzie flew us back to our home. "I told you so" Auzzie said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with her.

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