chapter ten.

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( Everything'll be okay. )


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Evelyn slowly opened her eyes and had to blink at the brightness around her—soft white snow and the sun shining down on her. Her head was pounding, and her body ached, and she let out a soft groan as she moved to look around her. That's when she remembered what had happened.

The train. Steve was holding onto both her and Bucky. Bucky.

Evelyn immediately looked around to see if Bucky had fallen, and she was quick to discover the red snow leading to a passed-out Bucky Barnes. She crawled towards him with a soft whimper and was quick to notice that one of his arms was no longer attached to his body. "Bucky? Are you alive?" she asked softly. She immediately reached for his neck to check for a heartbeat but didn't need to ask Bucky to let out a soft groan.

"Ev...Evelyn?" he asked quietly.

"Hey, Bucky, everything'll be okay," Evelyn told him softly as she reached for his still-bleeding arm. She tried to hold her hands over his shoulder to stop the blood from flowing out of his body, but it was hard to cover the whole area. "Someone will come looking for us. It'll be alright."

Evelyn then heard the sound of soft voices and feet walking on the soft snow. She turned around quickly at a group of people advancing towards them. "Please, help my friend!" she said desperately. "He's bleeding and fading in and out of consciousness. He's missing an arm." She looked back down at Bucky as tears began to run down her cheeks. "You'll be okay. Everything'll be all-" Something suddenly pricked Evelyn's neck, and she quickly reached to touch it and turned around to the group of men. That's when she noticed their uniforms and the symbol painted on their biceps. "Hydra."

"You're too late," one of them said, and before Evelyn could react, she suddenly felt very drowsy and couldn't stop her eyes from closing.

Evelyn felt two hands grab her arms and drag her across the snow, but she didn't have the energy and strength to fight back or keep her eyes open. She was mumbling words that nobody could make out. Every time she opened her eyes, she immediately closed them.

Snow. Miles of snow. As soon as she began to resist, another needle would be poked into her, and her whole body would grow numb. She didn't know how long this lasted, but suddenly, the floor turned from snow into cement. And then she felt herself being strapped down to a table with at least a couple dozen restraints.

"Miss Evelyn Parrish," a voice spoke. Evelyn could barely make out a silhouette. It was Arnim Zola. "How wonderful to finally meet you."

"Mmm...Zola..." she mumbled.

He nodded at one of his soldiers, and they, once again, injected her with some drug that forced her to close her eyes and slowly lose consciousness.

"The procedure shall begin."


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¹AGENT PARRISH ( steve rogers )Where stories live. Discover now