17. bully

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jace had begun at he and fiona's table.

if there was one knew thing he had noticed about jace while he sat with them, was that jace seemed relaxed. at ease.

and he understood that feeling perfectly.

they were looking at the three of them. whispering and muttering.

they stood up from their table, and made their way towards them. fiona wore a look on her face.

carly spoke first, "jace, why are you with them," she says 'them' bitterly, "just bcause they're freaks doesn't mean you have to join them"

fiona scowls.

noah speaks,

"then again, jace was always a freak. he's finally met his people"

and they all laugh, because they find it funny.

but he, fiona, and jace don't. because they don't find it funny

so fiona explodes.

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