Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine 

Jamie's POV 

God damn it, Coke is addicting. Pepsi comes second, Sarsi's not even last. Coke rules, baby. Coke rules.

I didn't realize I'd said that out loud until Josh choked on his drink and started coughing in an uncontrolled fit of laughter. Turning red, I reached across the table and smacked his arm hard. He yelped, but smirked again when he saw my furious glare. "Shut up, Josh," I muttered darkly. "You agree with me."

His smirk stretched to become a familiar mischievous grin that made my heart lift slightly. What was I doing? Josh in front of me - who had begun pigging out on the pizza again - was so nice and sweet and everything, but I was still hanging around for that jerkoff I was embarrassed to call my ex; it just proves to say that you want the thing - or prerson - you don't deserve.

Here in the pizza parlor nearest to the campus, Josh and I had come to kill time until our next class, which was in about...I checked my watch and groaned. Two hours. 

"Two hours," Josh voiced immediately, taking another swig of Coke from his ginormous cup, barely hiding the smirk. My eyes rolled in his direction and I pulled a face that said no, duh. Slurping up the remaining shards of ice from my cup, I realized in dismay that my Coke was gone. Irritated, I snatched Josh's cup from him.

"Hey!" he protested as I gulped down his drink. "That was my second cup..."

"...that was my point," I finished for him, wiping away the sticky drink from my lips with the back of my hand, not caring at my obvious lack of social graces. I laughed joyfully as he stood up and moved towards me, grabbing fingers reaching for his cup amidst protests and complaints. Suddenly he stopped, and I was about to put the cup to my lips again in triumph when he almost delicately took it back.

And kissed me in the process.

I blinked in surprise, hands frozen in mid air where the cup had been only seconds ago. My lips still tingled with the touch of his. While he was happily slurping up noisily the rest of our favourite carbonated drink, my feelings were getting even more mixed up - what do I say now? Hell, what do I do? Kiss him back? No, that's out of the question.

I wasn't happy. I wasn't sad, either. I didn't hate it. But I didn't love it. I don't even know if I like him that way. If I did, wouldn't I be sucking his face off right now? But I'm not. So what did that mean? And what about Julien? I missed him but I couldn't have him...and it's not to say the kiss didn't feel nice, especially coming from someone as cute as Josh, who does like you a lot...

"You know, if you keep up that position, I'll have to deny that I know you."

Josh's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I saw him staring at me, amusement dancing in his eyes. Still confused, I did the only thing I would've done if any other boy kissed me without my permission.

I hit him on the arm again.

"Ow..." he winced again, rotating his arm. "What was that for?"

"You know damn well what!" I retorted, stealing back his cup of Coke. "My lips are precious and not yours."

He gaped at me like I was crazy. "How else could I get back my Coke?" he replied simply, shrugging. A flash of anger shot through me that he did it not out of any affection, but for a stupid drink. Then again, he never actually told me he liked me...before I could ponder on that, his smirk caught my eye and his voice cut through my frustrated thoughts again. "Unless you'd like me to do it again?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me, then at the cup. 

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