Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Jamie's POV

This seems awfully familiar, I thought dryly as Josh held me close on Matt's couch, as the latter paced in front of me with his arms crossed and eyebrows knitted together in thought. Ironic that it's for the same reason.

"Something's up with Julien," Matt said finally, glancing at me. "He never goes after his exes."

"Because none of his exes were like Jamie," Josh interrupted, making me blush. "Nine out of ten of them were dumb blondes. Does she look blonde to you?" In an attempt to cheer me up after that distressing moment in the parlor, Josh had been pulling out all the stops on lame jokes, sarcasm and embarrassing actions to make me smile and/or laugh. This time, he held my chin in his hands and faced me toward Matt. "Her lips don't look injected with so many chemicals they can't shut properly either. And look," he ran his finger down my cheek, making me shiver, and held it up for Matt to see. "No inch-thick layer of makeup," he finished. Then he glanced down and pinched the fabric of my jeans. "Jeans, not a miniskirt that flashes half the school population. And," he pushed my back forward and then back, making me blink in confusion. "Her favourite varsity jersey," he said lamely, forcing a half smile at my tear-streaked face.

I smiled gratefully at him, but I'm sure he could see it was forced. After shoving a cold mug of mango milkshake into my hands and making me stop crying, they made me go through what had happened. But while they thought it was because Julien wouldn't leave me alone and went as far as touching my leg, they didn't know the real reason I was crying.

Why did he have to affect me like this? The chance should rightfully go to Josh and I know for a fact that he will make me happy, but happy as a best friend or happy as a girlfriend? I felt ordinary to Josh, but Julien...he always made me feel special. None of it is on Josh, it's just...the way I feel. And now that he that he seemed keen on getting me back, I was constantly at war with my emotions, which told me to give him that chance he seems to want; but I knew that if I gave it to him, I would end up just like his flings.

The fact that he had once made me feel special and was now an asshole hurt me as well. How could someone change so much? I wondered constantly. I felt sad, not just because he left but because of what he'd become. The attention was always flattering, but with him it was annoying for its insincerity, and he took it one step too far today.

Draining my cup, I gently set it down on the glass coffee table in front of me. Matt glanced at it, then up at me. "Coincidental that I had a cupful of your second favourite drink in my fridge left," he stated dryly, but before I could reply, he went back to the topic of his brother. "Josh, you're right. But Julien is never, never this reckless with what he does. Think of it - he tells the one girl he only ever said it to that he misses her, kisses her oh-so-gently in comparison to his fierce makeouts with his next fling, and now touches her like that in the parlor? He knows what Jamie's like - he knew she wouldn't stand for it, yet he still did it. Why?"

Matt was genuinely confused, but Josh said through gritted teeth, "He wants her back." Simultaneously, his hold on me tightened, and surprised me with his ferocity. I looked up at him and took in the fine features - cute in a geeky way, brown hair that fell to his eyebrows, dark eyes... I surpressed the sudden urge to kiss his cheek in affection and gratitude. He caught me observing him so carefully, and turned to look at me.

"You okay, now?" he asked, concerned, smiling slightly in an effort to make me smile and cheer me up. His thumb brushed away the lone tear on my cheek, making me turn red slightly. Laughing lightly, he pulled me closer so I could bury my face in the crook of his neck, leaning against his shoulder in the process. Oh God, I missed  this warmth, and not for the first time, I seriously considered giving him that chance, just because he was being the boy he was to me. Who knew, maybe I'd get over Julien - finally - and grow feelings.

A relationship with Josh...I let a smile creep to my lips. That actually sounds really, really appealing. I stole a glance at Matt, who was still pacing and frowning, and hesitated talking to Josh about it. Luck - or something - must've heard me, because then Matt's phone rang with Mackenzie's set ringtone. My small smile curled into a smirk as he walked off with the phone to his ear.

Josh kissed my head, and I got up, fixing him with the most serious glare I could give in this emotional state. He raised an eyebrow nonchalantly. "Josh," I said carefully. "How do you feel about me?"

Wow, that was direct. I hadn't meant for it to be so straightforward, but anxiety took over and I just had to blurt it out. His response was an incredulous stare. "What?" he repeated, confused.

When he saw me roll my eyes and heave an exasperated sigh at having to repeat a hard question I knew he heard me ask, he laughed at my expression and looked at me affectionately. "I really like you, Jamie," he answered truthfully. "Maybe more than I should. I don't know how much, but I know  that I would really like to be with you if there was a chance for it." That last line, he paused and hesitated shortly before continuing, and it hurt when I realized it was because he knew that there was a part of me that still had very strong feelings for Julien.

Even with that hurtful thought, I managed to smile at how plain and honest and sweet he was being with me, so innocent and sweet. Instead of collapsing into his arms as another wave of tears hit, I leaned forward and gently brushed my lips against his cheek. He looked at me strangely, frozen. "What was that for?" he asked eventually.

My smile widened slightly. "For being honest with me. And handling my bullshits," I added after that. I stopped for a while, considering what I wanted to say next. "If...if I decided that I did want to be with you, in a way more than just friends...would you...would you, umm..."

Damn it, come on, Jamie! I grunted inwardly at my incapacity to say it.

Josh finished my sentence for me with a wide smile. "Take you as my girlfriend?" he suggested, reddening slightly but still maintaining his confidence. As I nodded slowly, as embarrassed as anything, his smile formed a shy, happy grin. "Without a doubt," he said softly, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear and forcing me to look like the sunset.

Laughing again at me, he pulled me closer and planted another kiss on my forehead. "Jamie, even if it doesn't happen, you can count on me to be here for you, always," he whispered, putting his other arm around me and holding me protectively on the couch. I snuggled into his body, leaning into his neck and shoulder, and closed my eyes as I shared his warmth, the warmth I craved like nothing else since Julien. Even thoughts of him slowly faded in Josh's embrace. Matt's footsteps into the room seemed so far away; he backed out slowly at the sight of us, no doubt with a smile on his face.

I could feel Josh return the smile as his hold tightened around my small body, and unconsciously, I smiled into him, just happy that there was still this kind of innocence in my life.

Hey hey hey...haha,  Blurred Lines much...hope you enjoyed this chapter and loving this story so far. If you are, please check out Beginnings and Endings as well. I just started working on Chapter Twenty-Seven, so if you start now, I'll be updating at least twice every week and you won't have to wait for an update so long :) thanks!

Count On Me - Bruno Mars --->

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