Your first kiss

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You had gotten a mysterious invitation to a masquare ball which was meant to be held at the Trancy manor. Even though you knew that Ciel and alois hated each other, you hoped he would be there too. You quickly put on your F/C ballgown and headed to the manor. Before walking into the ballroom, you put on your mask. Walking inside, you're wowed by all the people inside. A man, wearing a blue suit and a mask which almost covers his entire face and has a material over his eye sockets, walks up to you. Without saying a word, he grabs your hand and leads you to the middle of the ballroom. You both start dancing, even though you were enjoying yourself, you wondered who this mysterious young man was. After a while, he dipped you and softly placed his lips on to yours. Once they were separated, he said "I'm glad you came Y/N". You couldn't help but to smile, once you realize the young man was the one you came for.

Today, you were finally going to be able to spend some time with him. Sebastian, the cat lover, the guy who saved you. In your eyes, he was simply perfect. As his master, Earl Phantomhive, was busy today with some errands, he had given Sebastian half of the day off. You quickly got dressed in your F/C dress and made your way outside. You guys planned on meeting up at the alley where you first met. Once you arrived, you were slightly disappointed to see that Sebastian wasn't there yet. Somehow you had just assumed that he'd be there before you. You sighed and pulled out the box of chocolate covered strawberries which you had prepared in case either of you would get hungry. You sat down, leaning against the wall and started sucking on one of the strawberries. After having eaten 5 of them, first sucking off the chocolate before slowly eating the strawberry, you fell asleep. Suddenly you were awoken by the feeling of some soft lips touching yours and a tongue licking away the excess chocolate. Opening your eyes, you saw Sebastian's beautiful red eyes staring at you as he pulled away. "Hello Beautiful, I thought I should clean up your lips before we start our day together", he said giving a slight smirk. Your cheeks turned red and you gave a small nod, before giving a quiet somewhat confident "now you have some chocolate on yours" and closing the gap between both of your lips.

In exchange of being able to stay at the manor, for some weird unknown reason your house had burned down, (*cough* smooth alois, real smooth *cough*), you had to work as Alois' maid. Now that wasn't too bad, you just had to wake up earlier than him and go to bed much later. Luckily, you didn't have to do all the dirty work, instead, you just brought him his food and did little errands which he told you to do. You had gotten used to it after the first 3 weeks. Yet when you woke up this morning, you had this weird feeling that today would be different. Soon after Alois had awoken, he ordered you into his room. This was new, since he only allowed Claude to enter his room. You quickly made your way to his room, knocking before entering. "Come iiin", he nearly sang that. You entered the room, making sure to close the door behind you. "Yes Alois?", you questioned carefully, knowing how easily he could get upset. "I want a kiss from you", he said confident as always. You stood there shocked for a moment before shaking your head, giving a slight laugh. "I do not think that would be appropriate", you replied. Before you knew what was going on, you were pinned against the wall without any way of escaping. Trapped you looked into Alois' eyes, to see them clouded with anger and sadness. "I gave you an order, you have to do as I please. So if I say I want a kiss from you, you will give me a kiss! I am sick of everyone always viewing me as a kid who can't do anything", the last sentence was filled with pain. Suddenly he let you go and walked to his bed, laying down. "You're free to go. Tell Claude to cancel all of my meetings, little kids like me shouldn't be at them anyways." This broke your heart. You turn towards the door, when you hear a tiny sobbing noise. "Alois?", you question carefully, but you don't get a reply. Slowly you make your way over to his bed and lean over him, pecking his cheeks. "I don't think you're a child Alois, I just think it is not appropriate for a servant to kiss their master", you say quietly. He turns towards you, "so if you didn't work for me, you'd kiss me?". His voice sounded hopeful. You smile and nod, "of course Alois, who wouldn't?". He gives you a smile and mumbles "thank you". You bow before leaving his room. Though you're not sure, you swear you heard him mumbling "One day I will get that kiss!".

Once again, you were laying in bed sick. Over the past couple weeks, you constantly dreamt of that handsome butler from that little brat taking you to different beautiful places. After being lost outside in the snow and cold, with only your nightgown on, you had gotten sick again. Sighing, you made yourself some soup, wishing to be in your warm bed again. "You really should not be out of bed young lady", a deep voice said behind you. You turned around to see him again. You were to sick to figure out whether this was a dream or not, though you deeply wished it wasn't. There had been so many burning questions on your mind about him, yet the first question you asked was "what's your name". "My name is Claude and yes, I have been bringing you back to your bed each and every time. You really need to be more careful Y/N". Something about him saying your name, though you have no idea how he found it out, made you happy on the inside. Suddenly, you were being scooped up and carried upstairs to your bed. "M-my soup", you tried to protest, but he only gave a slight chuckle. "I'll take care of it, you just make sure you get some rest", he said, tucking you into bed before kissing your forehead softly. You blushed and nodded, feeling your eyelids getting heavy and falling asleep. Inside you wished, more than before, that this wasn't a dream and if it was, that you'd never wake up.

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