Secrets and Guilt.

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I woke up the next morning with my lips looking like a baboons butt, they were so swollen. Guess that's the price you pay for sucking Zak's face off. I went for a shower and took a glimpse in the mirror and noticed the marks along my neck travelling down to the top of where my bra sits.

"Oh shit." I mumbled to myself, I swear he didn't put that much pressure on me or did he? Lost in the moment.

I planned on taking today off again and going into town to finally see a doctor about my ribs and as I was coming out Jane was in my deck waving.

"Tilly good to see you!" She came in for a hard hug but she felt weightless, she also looked pretty dull today.

"Are you okay Jane? You don't look well."

"I'm good. Where have you been? I haven't seen you lately nor Zak!" She started to freak out causing herself to pull at her own clothes, was she paranoid about Zak and me?

"Jane I've been busy, working and hanging with Zak" I explained to her.

"That's why. Oh my god" and she ran off.

I called out to her but she never looked back, there wasn't much I could do now but carry on with my own things. I went to see Liam before I left making sure he was good.

"I'm going!" I yelled out.

"Sweet, have fun!" We waved at each and then I spun around to go.

Liam was doing such a good job of the cemetery that I'm starting to think he should run it, I'm slowly loosing my passion when for it but I feel like I need to stay because of my parents.

I soon arrived in town and headed for the doctors, I didn't wait long till I was seen.

I was told I only have internal bruising and have to stop sleeping on that side, not much else I can do.

I head into the shops and started trying on clothes, shoes and skimming through CD's. I was disturb and pulled out of my own thoughts.


"Aaron. Hi" I wrapped my arms around him.

"What are you doing here?"

I just showed him my endless bags of stuff, he grinned and nodded. 

"How's Zak?" I nervously asked.

"He is good, he is really good actually. Somethings pulling him out of this hole he is in, a girl in fact." He seems so cool and chilled and here I was nearly running out of air, did he know it was me?

"Oh wow."

"Yea, he won't tell us who she is but I guess his happiness is important." Yep, definitely didn't know it was me.

We said our goodbye and I needed to see Zak so I headed over to his not even texting him, I was worried if people found out I'd be the talk in everyone's mouth and I wasn't ready for it.

Just my luck again, I managed to get in again through the community gates and made my way up. I knocked on his door and frantically waited for him to answer.

"Tilly?" He answers the door very unsure as to why I was standing there.

"Ok. This is driving me crazy, I'm feeling guilty for everything" I blurted it out. "You're still married! What if people find out? What if your mother finds out! Oh shit I'm a whore!" Okay now I was getting a bit extreme.

Psycho Tilly coming to play!

"Tilly calm down!" Zak wrapped his arms around me which stopped me from lashing out. "Don't do this, come inside." He pulled me inside.

"Zak why is it so dark! I can't see a thing!" I squirmed in his embrace trying to reach for a light source or head back outside.

"If it's bright I can see, remember!" He hissed loudly.

"What you're trying to forget Leigh! Just turn them on!" I managed to escape him and found the light switch.

Holy hell there was more pictures added to the hall of Leigh. How could I come in his house and look at these pictures, their love was showing everywhere. 

"Tilly" he spoke harshly through his teeth. ""What do you want?"

"Who is Jane?" I spat out.

His face slowly turned into a frown, he squinted his eyes as if he didn't know who I was talking about. "Who?"

"Jane. My friend, the one who knows you and Leigh well?" I crossed my arms.

"I don't know who the fuck she is! Tilly what's gotten into you?" He pounced across to me holding me tight.

"Don't touch me like that! Do you want to hurt me again?" As soon as those words came out I regretted them.

Zak fired up in no time and lashed out.


Shit Tilly!

I wanted to burst out crying so I did what I know best and that's running out of here, I slammed the door close and collapsed behind the front door. I needed to get out of here, I was turning into a mental person.

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